I pretty new to Xamarin.iOS and I need some help on the navigation.

To make it short, here is how the navigation should work in my application:

My application consists of 3 screens.

Screen 1 : This is a simple UITableViewController where I can add items to the list. When I add an item I have a segue (show details) to screen 2.

Screen 2 & 3: Screen 2 is embedded in a UINavigationController. Screen 3 is the end of my wizzard to add an item.

On screen 3 when I'm done, I have a button to navigate back to Screen 1. How do I navigate from there and remove from the stack the UINavigationController, Screen 2 & 3?

2 Answers 2


use the PopToRootViewController() method on UINavigationController

  • Thanks Jason, actually, what I was looking for is an unwind segue
    – JuChom
    Apr 13, 2016 at 11:10

From Xamarin docs: Creating an Unwind Segue

An unwind Segue can be used to navigate back through a push or modal segue - for example by dismissing the modally presented view controller. In addition to this, you can unwind through not only one, but a series of push and modal segues and go back multiple steps in your navigation heirarchy with a single unwind action.

You just need this piece of code in the target UIViewController

[Action ("UnwindToTargetViewController:")]
public void UnwindToTargetViewController (UIStoryboardSegue segue)
    Console.WriteLine ("We've unwinded to Target!");

On the OriginViewController, just link a button with the exit scene and select the method you just created!

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