I have a local html file on my C drive and I am trying to open it and click on a button. Html file looks like this:

    <div id="first">
        <div id="second">
            <div id="third">
                <button id="button">Text</button>
    <p id="txt">Not clicked yet</p>
    <script type="javascript">
        var par = document.getElementById('txt');
        function clicked() {
            if (par.innerText == 'Clicked') {
                par.innerHTML = 'Clicked Again';
            } else {
                par.innerHTML = 'Clicked';

I am trying to use following code to open the file and click on a button:

require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
browser.goto "file://C:\\test.html"
browser.button(id: 'button').click

but I am getting following exception:

Watir::Exception::NoMatchingWindowFoundException: browser window was closed

if I go to to any other non local URLs everything works fine. Does anyone knows how to resolve this issue?

My system params:

Windows 7 64 bit, IEDrvierServer 2.49, IE11
  • Do you have to prepend file:// to the URL? I vaguely recall that was needed for watir-classic (or watir when using IE), and you are using watir-webdriver.
    – orde
    Apr 12, 2016 at 18:10
  • Yes, otherwise it appends http:\\www in front of url Apr 12, 2016 at 18:21

1 Answer 1


For Windows you should use forward slashes, and note the 3 forward slashes at the beginning: file:///C:/Documents/Foo

Also, you should update to the latest IEDriverServer 2.53.1 (use the 32 bit version).

If this doesn't fix it, please edit the question to include a full backtrace.

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