I have this JavaScript program that is suppose to do very simple math from the user input (2 numbers, one of four operators - +,-,/,*). Problem is that the results are erratic (maybe not the best word because there is a pattern, but ahead with terminology) and I have no idea why.

By erratic I mean that, for example, if you start by summing 5+5 it will yield 10, as expected, but if you do a second try with 5+6 you will get 12, if you try 5+7 the result will be 14 and so on...

Any ideas on why this happens? Here is the code:


<h2>A simple JavaScript powered calculator</h2>

<INPUT value="Enter a number" id="input1"></INPUT>
<SELECT id = "operator">
  <option id="choose" >choose </option>
  <option id="sum" value="+">sum</option>
  <option id="subtraction" value="-">subtraction</option>
  <option id="division" value="/">division</option>
  <option id="multiplication" value="*">multiplication</option>  
<INPUT  value="Enter a number" id="input2"></INPUT>
<INPUT value= "calculate" type="button" onclick=result()></INPUT>
<INPUT id="outputfield" type="text"></INPUT>



    function sum(number, number) {return number + number};
    function subtraction(number, number) {return number - number};
    function division(number, number) {return number / number};
    function multiplication(number, number) {return number * number};

    function result(){if (document.getElementById("operator").value === document.getElementById("sum").value) {console.log("its a +!"), document.getElementById("outputfield").value = 
                          sum(parseInt(document.getElementById("input1").value), parseInt(document.getElementById("input2").value));}

                     else if (document.getElementById("operator").value === document.getElementById("subtraction").value) {console.log("its a -!"), document.getElementById("outputfield").value = 
                          subtraction(parseInt(document.getElementById("input1").value), parseInt(document.getElementById("input2").value));}

                     else if (document.getElementById("operator").value === document.getElementById("division").value) {console.log("its a /!"), document.getElementById("outputfield").value = 
                          division(parseInt(document.getElementById("input1").value), parseInt(document.getElementById("input2").value));}

                     else if (document.getElementById("operator").value ===  document.getElementById("multiplication").value) {console.log("its a *!"), document.getElementById("outputfield").value = 
                          multiplication(parseInt(document.getElementById("input1").value), parseInt(document.getElementById("input2").value));}

                     else if (document.getElementById("operator").value === document.getElementById("choose").value) {console.log("please choose an operator");} 



<p> </>
<p> April 2016 </p>

Thanks in advance for any hints

  • Yeah. What do you think the functions will return? It does not make any sense. If a is 5 and a is 2, then what is a + a? 10? 4? Apr 16, 2016 at 0:08
  • This is honestly the funniest thing I've seen all day. Apr 16, 2016 at 0:10
  • @SverriM.Olsen, time to go to bed here :) thanks for bothering to point the obvious though :)
    – Lisdengard
    Apr 16, 2016 at 0:27

1 Answer 1


Your functions, for example:

function sum(number, number) {return number + number};

Use the same name in both parameters i.e. number, when you try to add 5 and 6, the name number is assigned the value 6 and since 6 + 6 = 12 the result is correct.

Try this instead:

function sum(number1, number2) {return number1 + number2};
  • 2
    And another thanks for sparing me the sarcasm ;) apparently some people here assume that everyone is an experienced programmer!
    – Lisdengard
    Apr 16, 2016 at 0:18

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