I m trying to write a reservation based on PHPJabbers' free script and unable to output the price when user selected a date. Here is the JavaScript code:

 * @@@
 * DateTimePicker / Available Calendar (version)
'use strict';

(function(factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['jquery'], factory);
  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    // CommonJS
  } else {
    // Browser globals
}(function($) {
    var plugin_name = 'calendar',
            data_key = 'plugin_' + plugin_name,
            defaults = {
                modifier: 'datetimepicker', // wrapper class
                day_name: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'], //  0-6 = sunday -> saturday
                day_first: 0,
                month_name: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
                paging: ['<i class="prev"></i>', '<i class="next"></i>'],
                unavailable: [], // static data - to merge with dynamic data
                adapter: null, // host to get json data of unavailable date
                month: null, // month of calendar = month in js + 1, month in js = 0-11
                year: null, // year of calendar
                num_next_month: 0, // number of next month to show
                num_prev_month: 0, // number of prev month to show
                num_of_week: 6, // number of week need to show on calendar number/auto
                price: null,
                onSelectDate: function(date, month, year){} // trigger on select

    var Plugin = function(options){
        var date = new Date();

        this.options = options;
        this.$element = $(options.element);
        this.options.year = this.$element.data('year') || this.options.year || date.getFullYear();
        this.options.month = this.$element.data('month') || this.options.month || date.getMonth() + 1;
        //this.options.price = 0;

        // for plugin
        this.unavailable = []; // for check for unavailable dates
        //this.price = 0;
        return this;

    Plugin.prototype = {
        init: function(){
            var _this = this;

            // re-sort day_name & create day_index
            this.day_index = [];
            this.options.day_name = this.options.day_name.slice(this.options.day_first).concat(this.options.day_name.slice(0, this.options.day_first));
            for (var i = 0; i < this.options.day_name.length; i++){
                this.day_index.push((this.options.day_first + i + 7) % 7);

         * Update data, get json from adapter, generate search keywords & send to adapter
         * @return {[type]} [description]
        update: function(){
            var _this = this, months = this.getMonths();

            // get data
            if (typeof this.options.adapter === 'string'){
                $.getJSON(this.options.adapter, {
                    keys: $(months).map(function(item){
                        // format search key from js to database store
                        return this.year + '-' + (this.month <= 8?'0':'') + (this.month + 1);
                }, function(data){
                    //console.log('update', data);
                    _this.unavailable = _this.options.unavailable.concat(data);
                this.unavailable = this.options.unavailable;

         * Draw months list to element
         * @param  {[type]} months array of {month: ..., year: ...} object
         * @return {[type]}        [description]
        draw: function(months){
            for (var i in months){
                this.$element.append(this.getCalendar(months[i].month, months[i].year));

         * Get list of months need to show
         * @return {[type]} [description]
        getMonths: function(){
            var date = new Date(), result = [];
            for (var i = this.options.month - this.options.num_prev_month; i <= this.options.month + this.options.num_next_month; i++){
                    month: date.getMonth(),
                    year: date.getFullYear()
            return result;

         * Load previous month
         * @return {[type]} [description]
        prevMonth: function(){

         * Load next month
         * @return {[type]} [description]
        nextMonth: function(){

         * [getCalendar description]
         * @param  {[type]} month 0 - 11 (Jan - Dec)
         * @param  {[type]} year  full year
         * @return {[type]}       dom element
        getCalendar: function(month, year){
            var _this = this, date = new Date();

            var day_first = date.getDay();

            // total date
            date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
            var total_date = date.getDate();

            // begin date
            var date_start = this.day_index.indexOf(day_first);

            // total week need to show
            var total_week;
            if (!isNaN(this.options.num_of_week)){
                total_week = 6;
                total_week = Math.ceil((date_start + total_date)/7);

            // draw
            return $('<div>').addClass(this.options.modifier).append([
                    return [
                        $('<div>').addClass('month-name').append([_this.options.month_name[date.getMonth()], ', ', date.getFullYear()]),
                    return [
                            return $(_this.options.day_name).map(function(index, element){
                                return $('<td>').append(element);
                            var ap = [];
                            for (var i = 0; i < total_week; i++){
                                    var ap = [];
                                    for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++){
                                        var d = new Date();
                                        //console.log(month, year);
                                        d.setDate(-date_start + (j + 1)+(i*7));
                                        //var available = me.options.filter.call(me, d);
                                            var cls = [];
                                            if (_this.isAvailable(d.getDate(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getFullYear())){
                                            if (d.getMonth() == date.getMonth()){
                                            return cls.join(' ');
                                        }).data({date: d.getDate(), month: d.getMonth() + 1, year: d.getFullYear()}).append(d.getDate()).click(function(){
                                            var date = $(this).data('date'),
                                            month = $(this).data('month'),
                                            year = $(this).data('year');
                                            _this.options.onSelectDate.call(_this, date, month, year);
                                    return ap;
                            return ap;


         * Check the date book: date, month, year have to in MySql format
         * Base on this.unavailable data / input MySql date format (support glob)
         * Eg: ['year-month-date', '*-month-date']
         * @param  {[type]}  date  [description]
         * @param  {[type]}  month month in javascript = 0-11, month in MySql = 1-12, so month input have to +1 before run this function
         * @param  {[type]}  year  [description]
         * @return {Boolean}       [description]
        isAvailable: function(date, month, year){
            for (var i in this.unavailable){
                var book_date = this.unavailable[i].split('-');
                if (book_date.length !== 3){
                    return false;
                }else if (
                    (book_date[0] == '*' || book_date[0] - year === 0)  &&
                    (book_date[1] == '*' || book_date[1] - month === 0) &&
                    (book_date[2] == '*' || book_date[2] - date === 0)
                    return false;
            return true;

         * Get the price of the selected date
         * @param  {[type]}  date  [description]
         * @param  {[type]}  month month in javascript = 0-11, month in MySql = 1-12, so month input have to +1 before run this function
         * @param  {[type]}  year  [description]
        getPrice: function(date, month, year) {
            // get data
            $.getJSON("assets/calendar/server/pricelist.php", {
                keys: year + '-' + month + '-' + date
            }, function(data){
                //_this.unavailable = _this.options.unavailable.concat(data);
                this.options.price = data;
                console.log('success 1', data);
                return data;

    $.fn[plugin_name] = function (options){
        return this.each(function(){
            var data = $(this).data(data_key);
            if (!data){
                $(this).data(data_key, new Plugin($.extend({
                    element: this
                }, defaults, options)));
            if (typeof options === 'string'){

Here is my HTML:


<div class="col-xss-12 tab-pane active" id="all">
                        <div data-form-alert>
                            <div id="all-room-alert" class="data-form-alert-success" style="visibility: hidden">
                                <div id="all-room-alert-msg" class="alert alert-success text-center"></div>
                        <div id="show-next-month-all" data-toggle="calendar"></div>
    <script src="assets/web/assets/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!--<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/calendar/scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/calendar/scripts/dateTimePicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
                num_next_month: 2,
                num_prev_month: 0,
                adapter: 'assets/calendar/server/adapter.php',
                onSelectDate: function(date, month, year)
//                    alert([year, month, date].join('-') + ' is: ' + this.isAvailable(date, month, year));
                    document.getElementById("all-room-alert").style.visibility = "visible";
                    if(this.isAvailable(date, month, year)) {
                        var price = this.getPrice(date, month, year);
                        console.log('success', price);
//                        alert(this.price);
                        document.getElementById("all-room-alert-msg").className = "alert alert-success text-center";
                        document.getElementById("all-room-alert-msg").innerText = [year, month, date].join('-') + ' is available and the price is ' + price;
                    } else {
                        document.getElementById("all-room-alert-msg").className = "alert alert-danger text-center";
                        document.getElementById("all-room-alert-msg").innerText = [year, month, date].join('-') + ' is not available';

The php file : (just for test)


Now, the error that I got is price is undefined but when i look at the console, the data is there, just lagged behind.

When i try to output through console, the 'success' got undefined then below that line, i got 'success 1' and the price from the PHP file.

EDIT: Found out how to do it. Pretty much inside DatePicker.js, I added a new function called getPrice() and it takes in parameters date, month, year, alert-box-id. After calling getJson is done, it will append the result to the alert box.


1 Answer 1


You can use json_encode((your array), 1) and check the value of price.

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