I have Struts 1 / JSP web application. In the JSP I need to define List bean and pass value to it.

<bean:define id="beanName" type="java.util.List" value=""/>

does not work. It says I should pass in NNULL value.

<bean:define id="beanName" type="java.util.List" value="<%= new ArrayList() =>"/>

does not work either - it says it could accept only String type parameters.

Could someone point me out - how could I achieve this?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

2 Answers 2


Actually none of this. I have found I could use

<jsp:useBean id="beanName" type="java.util.ArrayList" beanName="java.util.ArrayList" scope="page" />

try setting

<bean:define id="beanName" class="java.util.List" value=""/> 


<bean:define id="beanName" class="java.util.List" /> 
  • bean define does not allow to instantiate new beans. I have found I could use <jsp:useBean ../> for this. Sep 14, 2010 at 11:49

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