I have run into a problem related to System generated uniquer identifier.

Below is the definition of a datamember from my bean class:

@GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid")
@GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid")
@Column(name = "id")
private String id;

Whenever the client action is invoked, data will be persisted to DB based with the value for id attribute generated dynamically using above system-uuid. Now I have a requirement wherein i have to perform mass insert to this table. As there is no import functionality, is there any way that i can perform the bulk insert from backend using oracle insert queries? If so, how do i mention the value for the column 'id' so that it works like the same as the insert happened from client.


1 Answer 1


The usage of SYS_GUID is very effective for bulk inserts as simulated below on a small example

rawtohex(sys_guid()) uuid
from dual connect by level <= 3

The only (optical) problem is, that the generated string is not formatted as expected from the Java uuid.


A simple subquery and some substrs with a concatenation brings the remedy - see here:

with t as (
  select rawtohex(sys_guid()) guid from dual
  connect by level <= 3
select guid, lower(substr(guid, 1, 8)
  ||'-'|| substr(guid, 9, 4)
  ||'-'|| substr(guid, 13, 4)
  ||'-'|| substr(guid, 17, 4)
  ||'-'|| substr(guid, 21, 12)) as formatted_guid
from t;

GUID                             FORMATTED_GUID                     
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------
993712381A8543FB9320C587D078330E 99371238-1a85-43fb-9320-c587d078330e 
FFF3CF7104E048BF8E6677B080BD35A6 fff3cf71-04e0-48bf-8e66-77b080bd35a6 
1FBCC67EA46B4474B26128F2DDAA519B 1fbcc67e-a46b-4474-b261-28f2ddaa519b
  • 1
    The reason behind is that Oracle's UUID is RAW(16), with is more effective way of storing instead of CHAR(36).
    – ibre5041
    Apr 28, 2016 at 18:25

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