I'm using the page object gem with a page that contains a link.

When the link is clicked, the browser navigates to a new page, and the HTML renders as expected.

However, my script is always returning a Timeout::Error: Timeout::Error. After looking at the browser network activity, I noticed a pattern with a long running get that never completes.

If I run the script and then go to the console and issue the command $.connection.hub.stop(), the script will not time out.

Is there a way to perform a click_no_wait or to click and then execute a script via the use of page_object_gem ?

Here is my page-object attempt, but it is resulting in a timeout still.

class MyThing

   include  PageObject
   include  PageObject::PageFactory

   link(:show_details, :id => 'detailLink')

   def click_show_details_no_wait
     rescue Exception => e


1 Answer 1


It is hard to suggest without your page. My first idea is to try to do


instead of a usual click.

The second idea is take a look at

Good luck.


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