I have a python module module.pyd that works pretty fine once it is put manually onto the site-packages of python installation folder.

The problem starts when I upload my solution to a cloud enviroment, the buildpack requests that I pass every module as a package to be installed with pip install module. I ve created a folder with a simple __init__.py file that just imports everything of the module.pyd so that my module is treated like a folder.

Then I read here http://peterdowns.com/posts/first-time-with-pypi.html how to upload my own module and I succeeded, but when I install my module, the module.pyd file is not copied. I also tried to install it direct by the repository pip install git+repository but the same thing happened.

I have read here https://docs.python.org/2/distutils/sourcedist.html#specifying-the-files-to-distribute that I might have to explicitly say I want to copy *.pyd files in a MANIFEST.in file, I have done it, but it seems not working yet.

I currently using python 2.7.10

I am new on python so I d appreciate you guys help

  • Not much of this makes sense, unfortunately. Why do you not want to distribute the actual .py files? Why do you need to put it in site-packages, rather than in your project itself, if it's your own code? May 4, 2016 at 15:03
  • @daniel-roseman Actually I dont have the py files of this module (it is a C++ compilation I think). I just want to place it as a distribution or at least in a repository so the buildpack of the cloud enviroment can access it. But once it install the module, the 'init.py' file is dowloaded, but not the pyd file. I already tried to upload it together with the solution, but I dont know why, it doesn't work May 4, 2016 at 15:15

1 Answer 1


Just use the MANIFEST.in:

recursive-include module *.pyd

This will include all pyd files in the module directory.

Your package layout should be the following:

--- __init__.py
--- _module.pyd
--- module.py

And don't forget to add include_package_data=True in setup() in your setup.py in order to force using MANIFEST.in when building wheels and win32 installers (else MANIFEST.in will only be used for source tarball/zip).

Minimal example of setup():

README_rst = ''
with open('README.rst', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
    README_rst = fd.read()

    description='Cool short description',
    author_email='[email protected]',
        # Trove classifiers
        # The full list is here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
        'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
  • Can you elaborate on why you're using module.py and _module.pyd (why add the .py file and rename the .pyd file with an underscore)?
    – florisla
    Aug 9, 2017 at 13:56
  • @florisla ah sorry it might indeed be confusing, _module.pyd is here a SWIG-generated Python module interface to a C++ program, so there is no relation between _module.pyd and module.py, it would probably be less confusing to rename the pyd file to _core.pyd.
    – gaborous
    Aug 9, 2017 at 18:52
  • Then why keep the underscore? You want to make the *.pyd file public, right?
    – florisla
    Aug 11, 2017 at 19:09
  • We wanted to provide a more pythonic interface with docstrings and default named keywords, so the py file basically just redefined functions and classes of the pyd :-) Also the py file managed cross platform compatibility by loading the appropriate pyd, so in my concrete case i had multiple pyd files generated for various platforms.
    – gaborous
    Aug 12, 2017 at 8:20
  • @gaborous ... and you shipped every .pyd file to every platform? Why not just wheel the right .pyd to the right platform?
    – user6767685
    Aug 27, 2019 at 16:30

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