I have the following code

mean(  myList$scores[ myList$IDs == "1234" ] )

This gives me the mean of the scores for the person with ID 1234.

Suppose I have a list of ID numbers, that is a SMALL sample of all ID numbers.

testIDs = c(1234,2345,3456,4567)

How do I change this to return to me 4 means, a list that is the mean of 1234, the mean of 2345, the mean of 3456, and the mean of 4567.

I know I could loop over the testIDs, but that's not the best way to go about this.

  • I didn't put it as a code section because of that. I was just indicating that there are 4 values. I'll update it to be what it actually is now.
    – Jibril
    May 5, 2016 at 16:03
  • You can wrap your code into sapply: sapply(testIDs,function(s) mean(myList$scores[ myList$IDs == s ])) May 5, 2016 at 16:08

2 Answers 2


How about the following approaches (many others exist):

dta <- data.frame(id = rep(letters[1:4], each = 4), x = rnorm(16))

aggregate(dta$x, list(dta$id), mean)
lapply(split(dta$x, dta$id), mean)
tapply(dta$x, dta$id, mean)
by(dta$x, dta$id, mean)

Some timings:

Unit: microseconds
                              expr      mean
aggregate(dta$x, list(dta$id), mean) 892.08428
lapply(split(dta$x, dta$id), mean)   61.05315
tapply(dta$x, dta$id, mean)          172.62361
by(dta$x, dta$id, mean)              421.29666 

Here is an edit to reflect only getting a subset of the ids:

dta <- data.frame(id = rep(letters[1:10], each = 4), x = rnorm(40))

indx <- dta$id %in% letters[1:4]
lapply(split(dta[indx, 2], dta[indx, 1], drop = TRUE), mean) 

Alternatively, the answer in the comments does the trick as well:

sapply(letters[1:4], function(s) mean(dta$x[ dta$id == s ]))
  • 1
    Very true, my apologies!
    – Raad
    May 5, 2016 at 16:23

I would suggest the following

by(myList$scores, INDICES = myList$IDs, FUN = mean)[as.character(testIDs)]

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