This is a basic question, however, I'm trying to retrieve the contents of a file using the code below in Scala in a Bluemix notebook on Analytics from Apache Spark Service, and errors regarding authentication keep popping up. Does someone have an example for Scala authentication for accessing a file? Thank you in advance!

I tried the following simple script:

val file = sc.textFile("swift://notebooks.keystone/kdd99.data")

I also tried:

def setConfig(name:String) : Unit = {
  val pfx = "fs.swift.service." + name
  val conf = sc.getConf
  conf.set(pfx + "auth.url", "hardcoded")
  conf.set(pfx + "tenant", "hardcoded")
  conf.set(pfx + "username", "hardcoded")
  conf.set(pfx + "password", "hardcoded")
  conf.set(pfx + "apikey",  "hardcoded")
  conf.set(pfx + "auth.endpoint.prefix", "endpoints")

I also tried this script from a previous question:

import scala.collection.breakOut
val name= "keystone"
val YOUR_DATASOURCE = """auth_url:https://identity.open.softlayer.com
project: hardcoded
project_id: hardcoded
region: hardcoded
user_id: hardcoded
domain_id: hardcoded
domain_name: hardcoded
username: hardcoded
password: hardcoded
filename: hardcoded
container: hardcoded
tenantId: hardcoded

val settings:Map[String,String] = YOUR_DATASOURCE.split("\\n").
    map(l=>(l.split(":",2)(0).trim(), l.split(":",2)(1).trim()))(breakOut)

val conf = sc.getConf        conf.set("fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url",settings.getOrElse("auth_url",""))
conf.set("fs.swift.service.keystone.tenant", settings.getOrElse("tenantId", ""))
conf.set("fs.swift.service.keystone.username", settings.getOrElse("username", ""))
conf.set("fs.swift.service.keystone.password", settings.getOrElse("password", ""))
conf.set("fs.swift.service.keystone.apikey", settings.getOrElse("password", ""))
conf.set("fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.endpoint.prefix", "endpoints")
println("sett: "+ settings.getOrElse("auth_url","")) 
val file = sc.textFile("swift://notebooks.keystone/kdd99.data")

/* The following line gives errors */

The error is below:

Name: org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.exceptions.SwiftConfigurationException Message: Missing mandatory configuration option: fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url


This would be a good alternative for Python. I tried the below, with "spark" as configname for two different files:

def set_hadoop_config(credentials):
    prefix = "fs.swift.service." + credentials['name'] 
    hconf = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
    hconf.set(prefix + ".auth.url", credentials['auth_url']+'/v3/auth/tokens')
    hconf.set(prefix + ".auth.endpoint.prefix", "endpoints")
    hconf.set(prefix + ".tenant", credentials['project_id'])
    hconf.set(prefix + ".username", credentials['user_id'])
    hconf.set(prefix + ".password", credentials['password'])
    hconf.setInt(prefix + ".http.port", 8080)
    hconf.set(prefix + ".region", credentials['region'])
    hconf.setBoolean(prefix + ".public", True)

2 Answers 2


I think you would need to use "spark" as configname instead of keystone as you are trying to access object storage from IBM Bluemix Notebook UI.


Now Here is an example of working sample.


Note consider changing the container name based on your object storage. containername.configname.

Also replace your credentials in the YOUR_DATASOURCE variable in above example.

Notebooks is a default container.

Thanks, Charles.

  • That was it! Thank you very much. It was simply that "keystone" was not a good configname. Why "spark" works now though? Is this a new rule? Previously keystone would work fine as well.
    – tbuda
    May 14, 2016 at 21:43
  • keystone may work i think....i think api for IBM BM Object storage seems upgraded to V3 and it may need v3 api URL /v3/auth/tokens ..i haven't tested but as stated in below post by @NSHUKLA , you may need updated URL to use keystone... May 14, 2016 at 21:58
  • I had the issue with default container name, it could be set to different value in your hadoopconfig parameters. Just be cautious when you send in the path in textFile()
    – Abhi
    Aug 2, 2016 at 1:03

To access a file from Object Store in Scala, the following sequence of commands works in a Scala notebook : (Credentials is populated in the cell when you do "Insert to code" link for the file shown in Data Source of the notebook):


var credentials = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, String](




def setHadoopConfig(name: String, tenant: String, url: String, username: String, password: String, region: String) = {


setHadoopConfig(credentials("name"), credentials("project_id"), credentials("auth_url"), credentials("user_id"), credentials("password"), credentials("region"))


var testcount = sc.textFile("swift://notebooks.keystone/2015_small.csv")

IN [6]:

  • I've edited the question with the Python version. Can you please have a look?
    – tbuda
    May 14, 2016 at 22:47
  • For Python, the code seems to be correct (you can refer the sample "Analytics Notebooks and Apache Spark" which has the python code for def set_hadoop_config(credentials).. I have tried with .csv and .txt files using keystone name . Are you having issues with spark as configname with .data file as you said it worked with .txt file?
    May 14, 2016 at 23:27
  • does this file "kdd99.data" a text file ? if not, what format ?
    May 15, 2016 at 0:44
  • The original file has .arff extension. The strange thing is if I ingest this data using the Scala script you mentioned it works. Using the Python script I mentioned above (essentially the same thing - yes taken from the sample script) it does not work. The Python script worked fine with txt. I tried as configname 'keystone' and 'spark' for the kdd99.data file, both don't work. The error is: Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o518.partitions. : java.lang.NullPointerException
    – tbuda
    May 16, 2016 at 16:05
  • It was an error with the service. Once I created a new service, the python script worked as well. Thank you for your help.
    – tbuda
    May 18, 2016 at 13:21

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