I'm a beginner to javascript and Polymer: i need to use native polymer push method in my custom object, but the browser it gives me back:

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"

This is a simplyfied version of my code:

<link rel='import' href='bower_components/polymer/polymer.html'>

<dom-module id='random-tag'>
    <template is='dom-repeat' items='[[MyObject.getArray()]]'>

      is: 'random-tag',

      properties: {
        MyObject: {
          type: Object

      MyObject2: function(){
        var myArray = [];
        var idMap = {};

        this.getArray = function(){
          return this.myArray

        this.add = function(element){
          //The problem is here: probably Polymer don't see 'myArray'
          //in MyObject2 because the path is wrong
          Polymer.Base.push('myArray', element)
          idMap[element.id] = myArray.length

        this.getIndex = function(id){
          return idMap[id]

      ready: function(){
        this.MyObject = new this.MyObject2()
        this.MyObject.add({id : 'thing1'})
        console.log('thing1 has index: ' + this.MyObject.getIndex('thing1'))
  • @GünterZöchbauer thanks for reply, unfortunately doesn't work due to SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier. However placing var in a ready function i obtain the same error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined. May 14, 2016 at 21:29

2 Answers 2


You need to start from a Polymer element like

      is: 'random-tag',

      properties: {
        MyObject: {
          type: Object

      var self = this;

      MyObject2: function(){
        var myArray = [];
        var idMap = {};

        this.getArray = function(){
          return this.myArray

        this.add = function(element){
          //The problem is here: probably Polymer don't see 'myArray'
          //in MyObject2 because the path is wrong
          self.push('myArray', element)
          idMap[element.id] = myArray.length

        this.getIndex = function(id){
          return idMap[id]

      ready: function(){
        this.MyObject = new this.MyObject2()
        this.MyObject.add({id : 'thing1'})
        console.log('thing1 has index: ' + this.MyObject.getIndex('thing1'))

not tested (I don't know JS too well so use with caution)


The problem isn't a bad path, but rather that you're trying to use a Polymer.Base function inside MyObject2.

Assuming you don't need to define a separate class (i.e., MyObject2), a cleaner way to accomplish this is to define those properties/methods directly in the Polymer object (i.e., treat the Polymer object as your class encapsulation), like so:

  <base href="https://polygit.org/polymer+:master/components/">
  <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
  <link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html">


  <dom-module id="x-foo">
      <h1>My Objects</h1>
      <template is='dom-repeat' items='[[myArray]]'>
        is: 'x-foo',

        properties: {
          myArray: {
            type: Array,
            value: function() {
              return [];
          idMap: {
            type: Object,
            value: function() {
              return {};

        add: function(element) {
          this.push('myArray', element);
          this.idMap[element.id] = this.myArray.length;

        getIndex: function(id) {
          return this.idMap[id];

        ready: function() {
          this.add({id: 'thing1'});
          this.add({id: 'thing2'});
          console.log('thing1 has index: ' + this.getIndex('thing1'));


  • thanks for reply @tony19! but if i want define MyObject2 in a separate class how can i do? May 16, 2016 at 12:35
  • A separate class is workable, but data-binding would be highly inefficient. I can update the answer to show you. Why do you want MyObject2 in a separate class?
    – tony19
    May 16, 2016 at 13:03
  • Update the answer please. I want MyObject2 in a separate class basically for the sake of consistency: MyObject2 is meant like a data-structure. May 16, 2016 at 14:31

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