I have following script to create an basic IIS site which is working

New-Website -Name "TestApp1" -Port 80 -IPAddress "" -HostHeader "testapp1.example.com" -PhysicalPath C:\Powershell\TestCreateFolder1 -ApplicationPool "DefaultAppPool"

But I dont have this script working

$site_command = "-Name ""TestApp1"" -Port 80 -IPAddress """" -HostHeader ""testapp1.example.com"" -PhysicalPath C:\Powershell\TestCreateFolder1 -ApplicationPool ""DefaultAppPool"""

New-WebSite $site_command

I am getting this error

-Name "TestApp1" -Port 80 -IPAddress "" -H
ershell\TestCreateFolder1 -ApplicationPool "DefaultAppP
New-Website : Invalid site name
At C:\powershell\CreateIisSite.ps1:35 char:12
+ New-WebSite <<<<  $site_command
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [New-Web
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Invalid site name

1 Answer 1


The PowerShell command New-WebSite $site_command is interpreting the entire $site_command as the name of the website. If you want to use your New-Website command as a variable, then try this instead:

$site_command = "New-Website -Name ""TestApp1"" -Port 80 -IPAddress """" -HostHeader ""testapp1.example.com"" -PhysicalPath ""C:\Powershell\TestCreateFolder1"" -ApplicationPool ""DefaultAppPool"""
Invoke-Expression $site_command

Note that the New-Website command is in the variable, instead of starting at -Name in your example.

  • Is there any other possible way of just keep $site_command in a different variable.
    – Praneeth
    May 24, 2016 at 16:39
  • Yes, you could do this instead: Invoke-Expression "New-Website $site_command"
    – Matt
    May 24, 2016 at 16:46

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