
I'm trying to programmatically convert a boxed int into an uint.

The code I'm using is this:

Type targetType = methodToInvoke.GetParameters()[index].ParameterType;
object operand = currentMethod.Body.Instructions[j - 1].Operand;
if (targetType.IsValueType)
    parameters[index] = Convert.ChangeType(operand, targetType);

VS tell me that targetType is of type:

{Name = "UInt32" FullName = "System.UInt32"}

Instead operand is of type:

object {int}

ChangeType throw a System.OverflowException when the value of operand is -1549600314.

  • Why is this happening, provided that the two values are 32 bit long?

  • How am I supposed to do this conversion?

  • 2
    Wait, are you asking why you can't convert a negative integer to an unsigned integer? Think about that for a second.
    – pquest
    May 25, 2016 at 19:04
  • Yeah, that's definitely what I'm asking. Maybe I'm missing the point with Convert.ChangeType but this is definitely possible. So, how am I supposed to do this conversion?
    – Chaplin89
    May 25, 2016 at 19:25

1 Answer 1


Why is this happening, provided that the two values are 32 bit long?

Because Convert.ChangeType just calls methods from the IConvertible interface, which uses value semantics.

From MSDN:

Convert.ChangeType Method (Object, Type)

Returns an object of the specified type and whose value is equivalent to the specified object.

(emphasis added)

How am I supposed to do this conversion?

It sounds like you just want a quick bitwise conversion, which can be done by just unboxing the int and casting to unit:

unchecked {
    parameters[index] = (uint)(int)operand;

or if you don't like unchecked operations:

parameters[index] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)operand), 0)
  • Thank you for your reply, very clear. So I guess there isn't a "general" way to do this. I mean, in my snippet operand and targetType can be of any reasonable type, this imply that with your solution I've to manage the "int" case explicitly.
    – Chaplin89
    May 25, 2016 at 20:12
  • No, there's not a "generic" BitConverter because the process depends highly on the target and destination types. Converting a byte to a uint is different that converting a long to a short, for example.
    – D Stanley
    May 25, 2016 at 20:18
  • Make sense. Thanks.
    – Chaplin89
    May 25, 2016 at 20:23

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