Using iPython3. I was able to figure out how to count the most occurring words in a column

import pandas as pd
dft = pd.read_csv('NYC.txt')
dft_counts = complaints['Provider'].value_counts()

How can I code this to count the least occurring word?

  • You count and then reverse the list.
    – Merlin
    May 27, 2016 at 6:47

3 Answers 3



counts = complaints['Provider'].value_counts()
counts[counts == 1]

show "counts" less or equal than 3:

counts[counts <= 3]

OLD answer:

you can do it this way:


alternatively you can use iloc locator, which might be bit faster:

  • anyway to limit it to the smallest values that occur? I only want the words that occur once.
    – JetCorey
    May 27, 2016 at 19:36
  • 1
    @JetCorey, i've updated my answer - please check. Is that what you want? May 27, 2016 at 19:47

I think you can use iat with -1 what return last value, because last value is smallest - value_counts sorts Serie:


If need all smallest values use boolean indexing:

dft_counts = (s.value_counts())
print (dft_counts)
6       3
5       3
null    2
18      1
3       1
22      1
0       1
dtype: int64

print (dft_counts.iat[-1])

print (dft_counts[dft_counts == dft_counts.iat[-1]])
18    1
3     1
22    1
0     1
dtype: int64

Alternatively use parameter ascending=True in value_counts:

dft_counts = (s.value_counts(ascending=True))
print (dft_counts)
0       1
22      1
3       1
18      1
null    2
5       3
6       3
dtype: int64

print (dft_counts[:3])
0     1
22    1
3     1
dtype: int64
  • anyway to limit it to the smallest values that occur? I only want the words that occur once.
    – JetCorey
    May 27, 2016 at 19:36
  • Then you can use (dft_counts[dft_counts == 1])
    – jezrael
    May 27, 2016 at 19:37

Just sort the Series:

dft_counts = complaints['Provider'].value_counts()
dft_counts.sort_values(["Provider"], ascending=[True])

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