I'm using CodeIgniter to build a php web application, and I'm trying to use good OO practices - of which there appears to be many schools of thought. I specifically have a class biography_model to interact with a MySQL table. This data model has some class properties representing the columns in the table, but it also has some properties not in the table such as $image_url. The class constructor function accepts an optional record ID parameter which then fetches that record from the table and sets all object properties by calling the get_biography() method, including the $image_url property not in the table. This way I can instantiate a new biography_model object in the controller with all useful properties ready to go: $bio = new biography_model($id);

But, what is the best approach when we are returning a multi-row result set of records from the table? For each record I need to also set the $image_url. I could do this in the controller, by querying the list of records in the table and then passing each id into the new biography_model($id) object. But then I would have a situation where the controller is directly querying the database bypassing the model.

Instead, I choose to return an array of biography_model objects from within the biography_model.


    class Biography_model extends Model
         *  This model manages biography information in the 'biography_content' table.
         *  If a biography ID is passed in when instantiating a new object,
         *  then all class properties are set.
        protected $id;
        protected $person_name;
        protected $title;
        protected $image_file_name;
        protected $image_url;
        protected $biography_text;
        protected $active;

         * Constructor
         *  If an id is supplied when instantiating a new object, then
         *  all class variables are set for the record.
        public function __construct($person_id = NULL)

         * Sets supplied property with supplied value.
        public function set_property($property, $value)
            // Set image path if $value is the file name
            if($property == 'image_file_name')

            $this->$property = $value;

         * Gets requested property value.
        public function get_property($property)
            return $this->$property;

         *  Returns the biography thumbnail image URL
        public function get_bio_img_url($image_name)
            return $this->config->item('parent_url').'assets/img/biography/'.$image_name;

         * Get one or more biography entries
        public function get_biography()
            // If the ID is set then set model properties.
                $query = $this->db->get('biography_content');

                if($query->num_rows() == 1)
                    foreach($query->row() as $key => $value)
                        $this->set_property($key, $value);
            // Otherwise return result set of all biographies
                // Get the list of record ID's
                $query = $this->db->get('biography_content');

                if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
                    // New array to return result set
                    $biography_list = array();

                    // For each record, return a new biography_model object
                    foreach($query->result() as $value)
                        $biography_list[] = new biography_model($value->id);
                return $biography_list;

    // End of Biography_model Class

It works. But is it a reasonable approach? Are there other more accepted methods? I'm keenly aware that I am querying the database twice, but I was not sure of a better way to handle this. All suggestions are welcome!

Thanks, Wolf

2 Answers 2


Usually it's better for functions to have one job. Your get_biography() function has 2: get one biography and get all biographies. Consider splitting them up into 2 functions. Also there's no need for the multiple db access.

public function get_biography($id=null)
    $this->db->where('id', $this->get_property($id))
    $query = $this->db->get('biography_content');

    foreach($query->row() as $key => $value)
        $this->set_property($key, $value);

public function get_biographies()
    $biography_list = array();

    // don't limit this query to just id's - get everything
    $query = $this->db->get('biography_content');

    // For each record, return a new biography_model object
    foreach($query->result() as $row)
        $model = new biography_model();
        // set the properties you already have straight onto the new model
        // instead of querying again with just the id
        foreach($row as $key => $value)
            $model->set_property($key, $value);
        $biography_list[] = $model;
    return $biography_list;

Also you might want to take advantage of php's __get and __set magic methods:

public function __get($property)
        return null;

    return $this->$property;

public function __set($property, $value)
    if(!property_exists($this, $property))

    if($property == 'image_file_name')
        $this->image_url = $this->get_bio_img_url($value);
        $this->$property = $value;

This will let you get properties on your model like this: $bio->title instead of $bio->get_property('title') while at the same time provide a place you can introduce new logic later.

  • I confess I was not aware of the __set and __get magic methods. I found notes suggesting that there is high overhead with using these methods, so I modified the pages served by this biography_model and profiled the performance before and after changing to __get and __set and I really cannot measure or detect a difference. Also, point taken on breaking out get_biography function into two methods. For some reason I was focused on having the object set its own properties on instantiation, so I overlooked simply setting them directly as suggested. Thanks, -Wolf
    – WoMo
    Sep 21, 2010 at 3:19

Using an array to represent a set of records is a perfectly valid approach.

However the property image_url directly depends on the value of another property, so it doesn't make sense to store it as a separate field. Just calculate it on the fly, in your case you'd have to do that in the get_property method.

On the other hand should the model really be responsible for dealing with URLs? I don't think so. There should be a method outside the model that takes the Biography_model object and generates the URL of the image based on its image_file_name. If you already have some routing module responsible for mapping controllers to URLs, this code should probably land there.

  • 1
    After a bit of thought, I have to agree that I don’t need an additional class property for the image_url, it is deterministic based on the image_file_name. I do have the routes defined elsewhere, but to keep the image_url handy with a biography_model object, I simply changed it to a method get_image_url() which returns the link. But it sounds like having a class method return an array of its own objects is considered acceptable? It’s what I’m really curious about, and have not found much to go on. - Wolf
    – WoMo
    Sep 21, 2010 at 3:20
  • Yes, it's perfectly fine to have a class method that returns either a single model or a collection of models satisfying certain criteria. Such methods are often called finder methods. PS. Don't forget to accept some answer when you are satisfied with it in order to mark the question as answered. Sep 21, 2010 at 9:19

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