
class Wrap(val amount :Int) extends AnyVal

object Wrap {
    @inline final def apply(int :Int) = new Wrap(int)

object Playground {
    val w = Wrap(1)

compiling with (2.11.7) scalac -feature -Xprint:all Playground.scala I see

Playground.this.w = Wrap.apply(1);

and indeed, javap -v -private Playground shows:

    89: invokevirtual #75                 // Method Wrap$.apply:(I)I
    92: putfield      #33                 // Field w:I

When changing Playground constructor to:

val w = new Wrap(1)

both show assignment of literal 1 to w as expected. I am frankly quite dissapointed with this discovery, as it practically prevents type-level programming using value classes (where an ephemeric value class instance is created by a chain of trivial inlined methods.



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