In my react-native app on android, I get an error when I try to login with facebook using the following call,


This is the error I get,

  code: undefined,
  message: 'unauthorized',
  line: 10800,
  column: 21,
  sourceURL: 'http://localhost:8081/index.android.bundleplatform=android&dev=true&hot=true&minify=false' 

I have the initialization code as shown below,

Parse.serverURL = `${serverURL}/parse`;

I am also setting the facebookAppIds as mentioned in the Readme for parse-server

The facebook login part works fine, as in the app gets access to the user profile but the user account is not created on the parse-server. I don't know if I need to use any other key for the server.

  • I was able to get rid of the error by replacing myapp with the application ID on parse-server. But, I am now getting a new error. The call to Parse.FacebookUtils.login() does not return. I am able to create new objects and perform other operations on the server. Jun 12, 2016 at 4:27


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