
I am truly baffled as to why I am receiving the 'Unexpected identifier' error with my code. The only thing that was changed recently was the URL.

I am working on a project and while waiting for my project partner to setup Heroku, I diverted to this fake API.

Here's my code:

$('#username-submit').click(function() {
  var userlinks = $('.user-links')
    method: 'GET', //this is a GET git request
    url: 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com' //link to the API they created
    beforeSend: function(xhr) {
      xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'user name'); //takes the username and authorizes it
      dataType: 'json',
        .success(function(data) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

  • You forgot a ; in your var declaration
    – Andrew Li
    Jun 11, 2016 at 1:27
  • @AndrewL True, but not causing the problem-it'd be optional there, no? The issue is in the params being sent to the Ajax function. Jun 11, 2016 at 1:30

1 Answer 1


You've got the beforeSend handler a little bit wrong, or rather the brackets and the commas.

This should fix it:

$('#username-submit').click(function() {
  var userlinks = $('.user-links');
    method: 'GET', //this is a GET git request
    url: 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com', //link to the API they created
    beforeSend: function(xhr) {
      xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'user name'); //takes the username and authorizes it
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {

It also seems you're not using userlinks.

And to be frank, I doubt that "only the url changed" - the original version you've posted could never have worked in the first place.

  • Thanks very much! That fixed the problem. I haven't used the userlinks just yet because I plan on adding it in later to create content.
    – trav
    Jun 11, 2016 at 1:49

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