I'm trying to print all data from a collection and some research has shown the best way to do that is

DB.collection('users').find({}).each( (err, i) => {

Which is great, but running a console.log after this loop will print before hand, and I need to run something after all items are returned.

If I can instead retrieve all documents at once, that would solve my issue, otherwise I need to determine when this loop is complete, then run some code to handle the results.

1 Answer 1


This took a bit of puzzling to figure out, as the MongoDB API directly doesn't directly map on expected Node concepts.

Regardless, MongoDB's find method returns a cursor object. This cursor object does in fact implement each (as well as other helpful methods like toArray.)

However, the callback takes two parameters, not just one. [Edit: the question used to have only one parameter in the callback, a transcription mistake by OP]

DB.collection('users').find({}).each( (error, i) => {

It's Node convention that the first parameter of a callback be an error object, for error handling purposes. The next parameters are your actual data - in this case the record from Mongo.

  • Yes, and I'm actually doing this, idk why I didn't in my example given, but that's not the problem I'm having, The problem I'm having is having something run after all results are returned. I have no problem returning the items. Jun 13, 2016 at 0:12
  • then maybe use toArray instead of each? It take a callback with an error and an array of returned records, instead of each record one by one.
    – RyanWilcox
    Jun 13, 2016 at 0:17
  • 1
    Yes! That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you! Jun 13, 2016 at 0:20

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