I'm trying to execute on an alter table to assign a column to a sequence nextval for an auto-increment, but can't seem to figure out how to do this last part. The sequence is created fine, owners are all asigned, and table_a.id is the owner of table_a_id_seq. I've already created table_a_id_seq.

In a postgres sql function, how do I format this correctly.

I've tried:

EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval($1::regclass)', new_table_name) USING new_seq_name;

But it says that $1 is not pointing to new_table_seq_name. I've also tried:

EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval("%s"::regclass)', new_table_name, new_seq_name);

But it tells me the sequence doesn't exist which makes me wonder if it needs to be behind a transaction separated by this statement.

How can I successfully execute this alter on new_table_name? Thanks for the help!

  • select sequence_schema,sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema ='yourschema' and sequence_name = 'new_seq_name'; would you please just make sure you define schema and seq name well?..
    – Vao Tsun
    Jun 25, 2016 at 18:56
  • Do you want to achieve sth like in DEMO? Jun 25, 2016 at 19:01
  • just to be sure you use nextval('"myschema".foo') syntax (unless you have schema in search path)
    – Vao Tsun
    Jun 25, 2016 at 19:03

1 Answer 1


Use the format specifier %L for a literal:

EXECUTE format(
    'ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval(%L::regclass)', 

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