I'm currently using UFT 12.50 build 3785. With the following addins:

  • Java
  • Oracle
  • Qt
  • Visual Basic
  • Web

The following function is stored within my function library in UFT:

Public Function getMessage()     
    MsgBox OracleNotification("Decision").GetROProperty("message")    
End Function

When I call it in my Action1 as follows:



Call getMessage()



I get the following error:

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'OracleNotification'

But when I call the required code directly in Action1 as follows:

MsgBox OracleNotification("Decision").GetROProperty("message")

Then it executes as required.

I have many other Oracle methods in my function library that are executing without any issues. (OracleButton, OracleTextfield, OracleCheckbox, etc)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer 1


I managed to resolve the issue by changing the function as follows:

Public Function getMessage()     
     MsgBox OracleApplications("class description:=application").OracleNotification("Decision").GetROProperty("message")    
End Function
  • You can accept your own answer, if it suits your needs :) Jun 27, 2016 at 15:05
  • Just have to wait 24 hours after I posted it. :P Jun 28, 2016 at 17:27

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