I'm trying to incorporate ProLog to a PHP project that I have to do for a class in the university. The thing is that I was searching in Internet a library or a command to execute with the 'exec()' method in PHP, I could call a method with no parameters from ProLog to PHP, one that just write "Hello World", that's OK, but when I try to call a method that receive a parameter, for example 'test(X).' that returns a list or a string, the command doesn't work. This is my command:

swipl -f testing.pl -g test(X),halt

When I run the command in a terminal by myself to check what it returns I found it returns an error:

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

I don't know why it's happening and I did researched a lot in here and other websites, couldn't find nothing. I would appreciate the help.

My final goal is to execute a command from PHP to Prolog that returns a list so I can work with the list in my PHP project.

(I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, just in case.)

-My testing.pl file:

test1:-write('Hello World')

  • 2
    just surround with double quotes... assuming in testing.pl there are the clause terminating dots. Like -g "test(X),halt"
    – CapelliC
    Jun 28, 2016 at 5:04
  • 1
    I second this. See for example also: $ echo hello(X), which leads to: bash: syntax error near unexpected token (, whereas $ echo "hello(X)" works as expected.
    – mat
    Jun 28, 2016 at 7:43
  • Single quotes are even better if you do not need $-interpolation
    – false
    Jun 28, 2016 at 11:14


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