I've accidently switched branches while having uncommitted changes. It seems that mercurial has automatically merged my changes, but there are conflicts left behind.

How can I go back to having my named branch checked out and commit my changes there?

1 Answer 1


It seems that mercurial has automatically merged my changes

In seems only for you (and your Mercurial), because for this toy-repo

@  2[tip]   e173e81c9fff   2016-07-08 10:09 +0500   lazybadger
|    Creating branch
o  1   befd1e011923   2016-07-08 10:06 +0500   lazybadger
|    Edit
o  0   45f15df3f7c9   2016-07-08 10:05 +0500   lazybadger

and dirty working dir at rev. 1

>hg id -nib
befd1e011923+ 1+ default
>hg st
M 1.txt

update to tip doesn't change content of file in working directory

>hg up Feature
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

(note "0 files updated, 0 files merged") and working directory is still dirty

>hg id -nib
e173e81c9fff+ 2+ Feature

>hg st
M 1.txt

PS - you can just disable update to another changeset if your working directory isn't clean: use -c option as mandatory for all hg up (create alias)

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