I am using OutputCache on an Action like this:

[OutputCache(Duration = 14400, VaryByParam = "none")]
public ContentResult Catalog()
 return ...;

and my RegisterRoutes function in Global.asax.cs contains the route:

    "XMLRoute", // Route name
    "{site}/catalog.xml", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Home", action = "Catalog" } // Parameter defaults

The route maps urls like:

  • example.com/site1/catalog.xml
  • example.com/site2/catalog.xml
  • example.com/whatever/catalog.xml

to the Catalog Action.

I believe that the expected result would be to return static content after the first request for every parameter passed, but the content is not cached properly. Should I modify the Catalog action to use a param and then specify VarybyParam = "none" and add a param with UrlParameter.Optional at the MapRoute function or is there something else going on here?

  • Can you elaborate on "the content is not cached properly"? What results are you seeing, and how exactly do they differ from your expectations?
    – bzlm
    Oct 1, 2010 at 9:26
  • Sorry, I should be more clear about that. What I mean is that the content is not retrieved from cache it's created again for each request. Oct 1, 2010 at 10:55

1 Answer 1


After much trial and error I found that the best way was to use:

[OutputCache(Duration = 14400, VaryByParam = "*")]

And provide the parameters using redirect so that the defaults are used and cached content is shown.

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