By default findAll() method finds nodes for depth = 1. If I try to find nodes for depth greater than 1. For example findAll(2) it takes long time to compute the result. There are thousands of child nodes at level 2. I need an efficient way to get result for depth = 2.

  • Please share some more information- how long, how many nodes and relationships are loaded, what do you want to load and what is your graph model. Otherwise it is hard to help.
    – Luanne
    Jul 22, 2016 at 15:18
  • Match(c:company)-[r1]-(d)-[r2]-(e). My structure is somehow represented by this query. COUNT(c) = 7201, Count(r1) = 42574, Count(r2) = 20309295 Jul 29, 2016 at 6:29


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