this is a groovy script. The problem is the ctx._source.academies.remove(index) because ctx is not visible there. The index variable is the right... but i cant use the ctx there. Any suggestions?

    "script" : "ctx._source.academies.eachWithIndex { it, index -> if(it['academy_id'] == academy_id) ctx._source.academies.remove(index) }",
    "params": {
        "academy_id": 344

2 Answers 2


Have you tried this?

ctx._source.academies.removeAll { it['academy_id'] == academy_id }

In case you need to check academy_id matching a list of items, then below can be used: (The closure should satisfy a criteria)

ctx._source.academies.removeAll { it['academy_id'] in [academy_id, some_other_id] }

From an elastic search perspective, I suppose the script can be rewritten as below:

    "script" : "ctx._source.academies.removeAll { it['academy_id'] in academy_ids }",
    "params": {
        "academy_ids": [344, 345, 346]
  • You are perfect!!!!!! Thank you.... How can we make the academy_id array? Can we give to params the academies as array? So we can delete multiple academies with multiple ids at once
    – Michalis
    Aug 26, 2016 at 20:32
  • Yes of course. All you need is a boolean returning from closure. See the updated answer.
    – dmahapatro
    Aug 26, 2016 at 20:36

is this the best solution?

def findIndex; ctx._source.academies.eachWithIndex { it, index -> if(it['academy_id'] == academy_id) findIndex = index }; ctx._source.academies.remove(findIndex)

but this works only for the last found object

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