I just started using the SFML library and its fantastic. However when resizing a window by dragging the corner with my mouse i don't get the resize events until i release the mouse. This means i can't update my graphics until the mouse is released (game loop is on the gui thread) and is also causing a massive flood of events to come through of all the resize positions.

How can i make it so resizing doesn't block the thread?

1 Answer 1


Windows causes this. GetEvent() becomes blocking if you move or resize the window. (Another funny little reason to hate this OS...)

I have solved this with a separate event-polling thread. Take a look at this: (The interesting part for you is entirely in main.cpp.)


  • Why do you use 2 event queues (event_buffer_a, event_buffer_b)? And why do you use std::queue instead of std::vector?
    – Truncheon
    Mar 31, 2011 at 13:17
  • This is called double buffering. Well... I'm not sure if it's really necessary after all, but it works now, and I have more important things to polish in this porject, so I don't mess with it right now. Yes, it can be done with only one buffer. The reason I made two might be that I thought the insertion would block, but only the GetEvent blocks, so the insertion after that is OK. Also, I don't think they have to be deque, queue would be enough. And I use queue because it's faster to pop/push than vector, because that's a linked list, and not a "C-style array" in the background.
    – Attila
    Mar 31, 2011 at 19:08

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