The following node.js code is rendering my App component with a prop...

var reactHtml = reactDom.renderToString(App({exists: true}));
res.render('../../tutorHub/views/index.jade', {reactOutput: reactHtml});

And this component is caught by my jade file as so...

#app != reactOutput

Now in the component itself, I'm checking to see if the prop is rendered...



When I run this through my terminal, the console prints out true. However, in my browser terminal I get undefined, meaning react is re-rendering the component on the client side after the prop is set.

I am desperately trying to find a fix to this, I do not want to have to restructure my entire website. Can someone help me fix this?

Do I need to prevent the re-rendering somehow?


So in my node.js file I did the following...

var reactHtml = reactDom.renderToString(App({}));
res.render('../../tutorHub/views/index.jade', {reactOutput: reactHtml, errorExist:true});

In my jade file I did the following...

#app != reactOutput

    window.data =!{JSON.stringify(errorExist)};

But now I tried to retrieve the data in my component...

if (window.data) {
        return (
            <Register />

        else {
            return (
            <Index event={this.handleClick.bind(this)} />


But I get error window and data are not defined.

  • Have you double checked to see whether or not the client also passes the same set of properties when rendering? Re-rendering on the front-end is actually perfectly normal. What you need is a near perfect one-to-one mapping between client and server for the data. One trick would be to embed the data directly with the HTML, somewhere (maybe a script tag with the data encoded in JSON).
    – Sal Rahman
    Sep 2, 2016 at 0:54
  • @SalehenRahman I see, what exactly do you mean by embed data directly, do you have an example or something?
    – buydadip
    Sep 2, 2016 at 1:02
  • It would pretty much look like this in your Jade code: script = JSON.stringify(myData).
    – Sal Rahman
    Sep 2, 2016 at 1:03
  • Then, right before when the client renders the app, you would grab the data from the script tag, and pass them as property, when rendering.
    – Sal Rahman
    Sep 2, 2016 at 1:04
  • @SalehenRahman Ok So I tried your approach, Im stuck on one part, can you see my edit? Thanks
    – buydadip
    Sep 2, 2016 at 1:15

1 Answer 1


Lets call {exists: true} the initial state.

1. On the server: Serialize the initial state using JSON.stringify and store it in the jade template.


var reactHtml = reactDom.renderToString(App({exists: true}));
res.render('../../tutorHub/views/index.jade', {
  reactOutput: reactHtml, 
  initialState: JSON.stringify({exists: true})

jade file

#app != reactOutput

#initialState =! initialState

2. On the client: Get the initial state from the DOM and deserialize it using JSON.parse in the getInitialState lifecycle method of the App react component

App react component

getInitialState() {
  return JSON.parse(document.getElementById('initialState').innerHTML)
  1. The exists boolean is now accessible in the App components state through this.state.exists
  • I tried your way but I get document is not defined error, why is that?
    – buydadip
    Sep 6, 2016 at 3:24
  • Please add check to getInitialState to detect if document is available. It won't render on the server. Something like if (typeof document === 'undefined') return {};
    – Michal K.
    Sep 6, 2016 at 5:38
  • From what I know is that in server side render, browser window is not created still, and so the document object is not available, neither the window.
    – xploreraj
    Mar 14, 2018 at 15:07

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