I have LinkedList Queue, and I'm trying to read a file with numbers of people in queue waiting to be helped and the number of agents available to help at the time. I do not know to check if they are busy or how to add the people waiting in the queue in the first place. Can anyone help me? This is the code I have so far.

public class WaitingQueue 
 public int [] windows = 0; // every time we add some one  check if location occupied
 public int time = 0;
  public int waitTime = 0;

 public static void main(String args[])
   Queue newQueue = new Queue();

     FileInputStream fn = new FileInputStream(args[0]); 
     BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fn));
     String line;

     while((line = br.readLine()) != null)
         time++; // happens every time window i busy
         waitTime++  // increment waiTime
           if ( time for people to arrive)
           add people to the queue // have to have a queue for people waiting.
             //use enque to add people.
         if(window is open)
           // move people from queue to window
           // use dequeue

         if(time = x;)
           // add some people to list

  //Close the input stream
     }catch (Exception e)
     {/*Catches exception*/
      System.err.println("An error has occured : " + e.getMessage());

2 Answers 2



I see your code has now been tagged in Java; my code is more of a c#/pseudo, so you might need to convert it into Java.


Though this may not help. But I'd suggest a more entity orient approach; something like:

  • Agents, Agent List: Shall list the available agents
  • Customers, Customer Queue: Shall maintain a queue of customers wanting help
  • CustomerSupport Manager:
    • Shall see if an agent is available(not busy)
    • Dequeue the customer
    • Assign it to one of the available agents

Above the top of my head, see following:


public class Customer
    string _strName;
    public Customer(string strName) { _strName = strName; }


public class Agent
    string _strName;
    bool _bIsBusy = false;//
    public bool IsBusy { get { return _bIsBusy; } }

    Customer _Customer;
    public Agent(string strName)
        _strName = strName;

    public void HandleCustomer(Customer theCustomer)
        _Customer = theCustomer;
        _bIsBusy = true;//Busy as long as the window is open.

        //You might need something that doesnt block;
        Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); //Wait for time to simulate that agent is talking to customer

        RemoveCustomer();//Done with the customer.

    private void RemoveCustomer()
        _Customer = null;
        _bIsBusy = false;


A class that manages the customers and agents, according to availability

public class CustomerServiceBench
    Queue<Customer> queCustomers = new Queue<Customer>();
    List<Agent> lstAgents = new List<Agent>();
    Thread thdService;

    public CustomerServiceBench()
        //Something along these lines.
        thdService = new Thread(delegate() { WaitAndAddCustomerIfAgentIsAvailable(); });


    private void AddCustomer()
        //Add a dummy customer.
        Random r = new Random(1231);
        queCustomers.Enqueue(new Customer("Customer" + r.Next().ToString()));

        Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); //SpinWait.Once()...


    private void WaitAndAddCustomerIfAgentIsAvailable()
        //Thread1 to manage the 


It's not trivial so I suggest you search a bit for a tutorial with lots of example code and then alter it to suit your needs.

8.3 The Producer/Consumer Pattern - Java Threads, Third Edition

The producer-consumer pattern in Java 5: using blocking queues in preference to wait()/notify()

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