public class ClassA
     public string MyString {get; set;}

public class ClassB
     public List<ClassA> MyObjects {get; set;}

List<ClassB> classBList = new List<ClassB>();
var results = (from i in classBList select i.MyObjects).Distinct();

I want a distinct list of all the ClassA objects in the classBList. How do I go about this using LINQ? I'm thinking about a nested query, but couldn't quite figure it out. Any help is very appreciated.

2 Answers 2


You're trying to select multiple result objects for each ClassB object in the original list.

Therefore, you're looking for the SelectMany extension method:

var results = classBList.SelectMany(b => b.MyObjects).Distinct();

If you want to use query expressions, you'll need to use two from clauses:

var results = (from b in classBList from a in b.MyObjects select a).Distinct();
  • Does the query syntax you provide use SelectMany once translated? I'm a tad naive when it comes to query syntax since it always looks more verbose (except in join situations). Oct 14, 2010 at 15:09
  • @Justin: Yes; those two expressions should compile identically.
    – SLaks
    Oct 14, 2010 at 15:40

You want to use IEnumerable.SelectMany() Extension Method to flatten the hierarchy:

var result = classBList.SelectMany(b => b.MyObjects).Distinct();

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