For bulk loading imported data I make some processing and store the result of that processing in a staging table. Then, I can apply changes to other tables using the staged data.

This works perfectly when the imported data is correct, but sometimes it may contain errors such as references to unexisting foreign keys or duplication of primary keys.

I would like to achieve something similar as the following example (which works when the data has no errors), but instead of failing the whole operation, I would like to log the conflictive rows and continue processing.


Let's suppose I have an items table and an items_operations staging table. Then, after populating items_operations I can...

Create new items

INSERT INTO items (id, name, manufacturer_id, price)
FROM items_operations
WHERE operation = 'creation'

(This might fail if there is a duplicate id or unexisting FK for manufactuer_id)

Update existing items

UPDATE items t1
SET (name, manufacturer_id, price) =
    FROM items_operations t2
    WHERE t1.id = t2.item_id
        AND t2.operation = 'modification')
FROM items_operations t2
WHERE t1.id = t2.item_id
    AND t2.operation = 'modification')

(This will fail in the case of unexisting FK for manufacturer_id)

Additional remarks

  • Since SQL operations must be atomic, I think that what I need maybe would require use of PL/SQL, but I'm not quite sure about what approach should I follow.
  • Also, it might be important to know that my items table is really huge (~300MM records), so unnecesary joins should be avoided.
  • Finally, sometimes items_operations contains updates for unexisting items (there is no id on items matching item_id). This does not fail, but it would be ideal if I could be able to log those unmatched items, too.

1 Answer 1


It sounds like you want to use DML error logging

Create the error table (once per table that you are loading)

  dbms_errlog.create_error_log( dml_table_name => 'ITEMS' );

Then you can use the LOG ERRORS INTO clause

INSERT INTO items (id, name, manufacturer_id, price)
 FROM items_operations
WHERE operation = 'creation'
  LOG ERRORS INTO err$_items

Then you can query err$_items to see the errors that were thrown.

For things that are not failures (i.e. items in item_operations that do not have a matching row in items), you'd need to run a query to find those. Going forward, I would define a foreign key constraint that prevents you from recording operations on non-existent items.

  • I don't think that works -- DML error logging does not work for statements that trigger unique constraint violations. Sep 13, 2016 at 18:26
  • Thanks, but I think this approach will not work with the errors that I have. The link you shared in your answer says DML error logging doesn't work when: "Deferred constraints are violated, Direct-path INSERT or MERGE operations raise unique constraint or index violations and UPDATE or MERGE operations raise a unique constraint or index violation"
    – Sam
    Sep 13, 2016 at 18:28
  • 1
    @Sam - None of the operations you listed would use a direct path operation. If your constraints are deferred, you wouldn't get an error until you committed rather than when the statements were executed so I assume your constraints are not deferred. If your update violates a unique constraint, that would be an issue but it sounds like you are concerned that it may violate a foreign key constraint. That should be logged. Sep 13, 2016 at 18:35
  • Thanks! I'm not reallly sure about what deferred constraints and direct-path operations are (I'm reading about that as I write this comment). I'll try your solution and update you on how it works ;)
    – Sam
    Sep 13, 2016 at 18:43
  • @JustinCave I tried it and it worked, but I had to add the reject limit unlimited option to the LOG ERRORS command. I'll edit that and accept your answer.
    – Sam
    Sep 13, 2016 at 21:23

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