I'm building a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app. Is there any reason to use RestSharp instead of WebClient? I've looked around on the RestSharp site, but it's not immediately obvious what the benefits are.


1 Answer 1


RestSharp removes the following pain points:

  • Quirks in .NET's HTTP classes (basic authentication is broken, error handling for non-200 responses, etc)
  • Automatic deserialization from response data to POCOs
  • Simplified API (request.AddParameter(name, value) instead of manually compiling request bodies
  • Simplified request/response semantics, especially for async (however, it's opinionated for async and may not meet everyone's needs, in which case I would also suggest evaluating Hammock)

Deserialization is probably the biggest gain since for most APIs you don't have to do very much to get the XML or JSON into your C# objects.

I would check out these pages for more info

https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp/wiki https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp/wiki/RestSharp-Blog-Posts-and-Links

Feel free to post any questions here or on the Google Group

  • These links are dead. Any chance you can update them? Jan 13, 2015 at 19:47
  • Hi John, please confirm, can Restsharp be used in windows service? Or WinHttp the only option?
    – ivorykoder
    Sep 22, 2016 at 13:22

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