So I'm working on a project using Materialize and for some unknown reasons my Dropdown menues are not appearing correctly. If i have a object with small height the dropdown always hides behind it/ is cut of where the object ends... Example on images:example of the issue and (image had to be removed cuz not enough reputation to post more than 2 images)

I have tried changing z-index and overflow and it doesent seem to work... so any ideas??

EDIT: Applyed what suggested but now it looks like this... enter image description here

Ok so here is the whole div:

        <div class="columns" style="overflow-y: visible;">
        {{#if middle}}
            {{#if board.f_enabled_lanes}}

                     <div class="laneSortable">

                     {{#each lane in boardCardsLanesArray}}
                     <div class="lanes" value="{{lane._id.valueOf}}">
                            <div style="text-align:center; background-color: #e0e0e0;" class="lane_header lane_sort">

                                {{#each cardDataLane in boardCardsDataArray2 lane.lkp_card_data_fkeyi_ref}}
                                   {{> Cards_view board=board cardData=cardDataLane boardName=board.txt_name boardId=board._id parentCard=card._id pcOrder=card.lng_order leneCard=true}}

                            <div class=" columnSortable">
                            {{#let laneIndex=@index}}
                                {{#each column in columnArray}}
                                    {{> Columns_view rowIndex=laneIndex column=column board=board boardId=board._id workspaceId=workspaceId middle=true boardName=board.txt_name lane=lane.lkp_card_data_fkeyi_ref canEdit=canEdit}}
                                    <!-- {{> Columns_view column=column board=board boardId=board._id workspaceId=workspaceId middle=true boardName=board.txt_name}}--><!-- else briši Dnd test -->


                <div class=" columnSortable">
                {{#each column in columnArray}}
                    {{> Columns_view rowIndex=@index column=column board=board boardId=board._id workspaceId=workspaceId middle=true boardName=board.txt_name canEdit=canEdit}}
                    <!-- {{> Columns_view column=column board=board boardId=board._id workspaceId=workspaceId middle=true boardName=board.txt_name}}--><!-- else briši Dnd test -->

            <!-- {{> Columns_add_new boardId=board._id workspaceId=workspaceId}}-->

            <div class="column column_style_boards_view" style="">
                <div class="boardBar flex board_sort" style="background-color: transparent;">
                    <div class="boardNameBacklog" value="{{board.txt_name}}" boardType="1"><h6 style="font-size:16px;"><i
                            class="material-icons icon icon-black" style="line-height: 18px;">view_list</i>{{board.txt_name}}
                    <div class="boardOption">
                        <a class='dropdown-button-board' href='#' data-activates='boardOptions{{board._id.valueOf}}'><i
                                class="material-icons icon-black">more_vert</i></a>

            <div class="cardSortable">
                {{#each card in boardCardsArray}}
                    <!--{{card._id.valueOf}} -nadrejene kartice-->
                    {{#each cardData in boardCardsDataArray2 card.lkp_card_data_fkeyi_ref}}

                        {{> Cards_view board=board cardData=cardData boardName=board.txt_name boardId=board._id parentCard=card._id pcOrder=card.lng_order canEdit=canEdit}}<!--  todo ne cela kartica mapak najprej card samo id in potem znotraj carddata -->


                <!--drugače smo v backglogu in dodajmo kartice na boarde-->
                <!-- {{> Cards_add_new columnId=null workspaceId=workspaceId boardId=board._id}}-->
                {{#if canEdit}}
                <a href="" id="openModalNewCard_BL" class="new_Card_style_board_view addCardBL-js" modalName="newCard"> Add card ...</a>

        {{#if board.f_enabled_lanes}}
            {{#if canEdit}}
                <div><!--{{> Cards_add_new columnId=null workspaceId=workspaceId boardId=board._id f_lane=true}}-->
                    <a href="" id="openModalNewCard_BL" modalName="newCard"> Add lane ...</a>
                </div><!-- dodajanje lanes je isto kot kartica z f_lane parametrom  -->

Here is the code for the dropdown menu:

<div id='columnOptions{{column._id.valueOf}}-{{rowIndex}}' class='dropdown-content' style="list-style-type: none;">
    {{#if canEdit}}
    <li><a href="">Subscribe</a></li>
    <li class="divider"></li>
    <li><a href="" id="openModalRenameColumn" modalName="renameColumnModal-{{column._id.valueOf}}">Rename</a></li>
    <li><a href="" id="deleteColumn">Delete</a></li>

P.S: Sorry for bad english :/

  • Please show your code Oct 28, 2016 at 7:21
  • which part of code do you need?
    – weinde
    Oct 28, 2016 at 8:56

1 Answer 1


The dropdown menu is cut or hidden if it's parent has an overflow:hidden so you can change it to overflow:visible by attaching a css to it.

  • ok so I was able to resolve the issue of the second example the way you suggested and apply the solution to the problem from the first example but now i get a scroll bar... i updated the image in the original post...
    – weinde
    Oct 28, 2016 at 8:43
  • you should add the overflow to the dropdown-content so that the scoll in the dropdown becomes visible like this jsfiddle.net/m0sdcn6e/15 Oct 28, 2016 at 8:57
  • Did what you suggested, now i get this... check the image in the post at EDIT:
    – weinde
    Oct 28, 2016 at 9:09
  • If you are getting the same image,then it still means that the overflow scroll hidden is being applied to the dropdown,I might be wrong but i cannot help you without the code Oct 28, 2016 at 12:54
  • where you apply the overflow and all below that,including that div Oct 28, 2016 at 12:56

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