I have a DataFrame where rows represent time and columns represent individuals. I want to turn it into into long panel data format in pandas in an efficient manner, as the DataFames are rather large. I would like to avoid looping. Here is an example: The following DataFrame:

      id    1    2
20150520  3.0  4.0
20150521  5.0  6.0

should be transformed into:

date        id        value
20150520    1         3.0
20150520    2         4.0
20150520    1         5.0
20150520    2         6.0

Speed is what's really important to me, due to the data size. I prefer it over elegance if there is a tradeoff. Although I suspect I mam missing a rather simple function, pandas should be able to handle that. Any suggestions?

3 Answers 3


I think you need stack with reset_index:

print (df)
            1    2
20150520  3.0  4.0
20150521  5.0  6.0

df = df.stack().reset_index()
df.columns = ['date','id','value']
print (df)
       date id  value
0  20150520  1    3.0
1  20150520  2    4.0
2  20150521  1    5.0
3  20150521  2    6.0

print (df)
id          1    2
20150520  3.0  4.0
20150521  5.0  6.0

df = df.stack().reset_index(name='value')
print (df)
       date id  value
0  20150520  1    3.0
1  20150520  2    4.0
2  20150521  1    5.0
3  20150521  2    6.0
  • This is both correct and faster than the other proposed soution
    – splinter
    Nov 7, 2016 at 17:49

using melt

        value_vars=['1', '2'],

enter image description here

Because OP wants fast ;-)

def pir(df):
    dv = df.values
    iv = df.index.values
    cv = df.columns.values
    rc, cc = df.shape
    return pd.DataFrame(
             id=np.tile(cv, rc)),
        np.repeat(iv, cc))
  • Thanks@piRSquared, this indeed works but the accepted solution is 1.25 times faster.
    – splinter
    Nov 7, 2016 at 17:48
  • @jezrael's answer is what I'd recommend. Sometimes I'll post an alternative solution because it may still be useful for others... or even you. I find other poster's solutions invaluable. pandas/numpy often has many solutions, some of which are faster in some circumstances and slower in others.
    – piRSquared
    Nov 7, 2016 at 17:52
  • Makes perfect sense, much appreciated I will keep this alternative option in mind
    – splinter
    Nov 7, 2016 at 17:55
  • @splinter I've update post with faster solution. Keep in mind, you will almost always get a different style of response if you state in your question that speed/efficiency is your goal.
    – piRSquared
    Nov 7, 2016 at 18:05

the function you are looking for is


you can then rename your columns using

df.columns = ['date', 'id', 'value']
  • That wouldn't work. Apparently I also need the stack function as mentioned above. Thanks though.
    – splinter
    Nov 7, 2016 at 14:41

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