I have managed to cobble together the following script that moves files from one Samba share to another. It seems to work for all legal windows filenames except when there is a dollar character ($) in the filename. Typical filename it fails on is: ~$file.doc

Any help would be appreciated.

# Script to move old files from public to quarantine

 date > $logfile 2>1&
 find $srcbase -noleaf -atime +30 -print0 | while IFS="" read -r -d "" file ; do
   if [ -f "$file" ]; then
     destdir="$(dirname "$destname")"
     if [ ! -d "$destdir" ]; then
       cmd1="mkdir -p \""$destdir"\""
       eval "$cmd1"  >> $logfile 2>&1
     cmd="mv --backup=t -v \""$file"\" \""$destname"\""
     eval "$cmd" >> $logfile 2>&1
     if [ -e "$destname" ]; then
       cmd2="touch -a \""$destname"\""
       eval "$cmd2" >> $logfile 2>&1
 date >> $logfile 2>1&
 echo Deleting empty directories from "$srcbase" >> $logfile 2>&1
 find "$srcbase" -type d -empty -delete >> $logfile 2>&1
  • Are you sure the files with $ in are not locked? It's common to have temporary files with a $ in the name, and they are usually unreadable due to being already open by another process.
    – NibblyPig
    Oct 29, 2010 at 8:46
  • Why are you putting your commands in variables? Just do mv --backup=t -v "$file" "$destname" >> $logfile 2>&1 directly, for example. This also saves you from having to do all that awkward extra quoting and escaping. Oct 29, 2010 at 15:55

3 Answers 3


Of course you are. You're using eval.

BASH FAQ entry #50

  • +1 BashFAQ/050 is about avoiding putting commands in variables (applicable to the OP's code) and BashFAQ/048 is about the security issues of eval (also applicable). Oct 29, 2010 at 15:51

The problem probably comes from using the filenames in a variable that is evaled.

If you would use single quotes in the setup of the eval it prevents that the $ is interpreted there e.g.:

cmd2="touch -a '$destname'"

The $destname is still replaced when cmd is created.

BUT: I'll advise strongly against building evals from filenames you find on a filesystem. This is a huge backdoor. e.g.: what if some prankster creates a file name ; rm -rf / on the source filesystem?

Explanation of the security issues with eval

  • +1, eval is a dangerous tool that needs to be handled with care.
    – DarkDust
    Oct 29, 2010 at 9:04

Your problem is your use of eval. I recommend against it since it's very, very rarely necessary and extremely difficult to use. I don't see any need for it in your case

If you replace the contents of your loop with this

   if [ -f "$file" ]; then
     destdir="$(dirname "$destname")"
     if [ ! -d "$destdir" ]; then
        mkdir -p "$destdir" >> $logfile 2>&1
     mv --backup=t -v "$file" "$destname"
     if [ -e "$destname" ]; then
        touch -a "$destname" >> $logfile 2>&1

It should work just as well, even with $ in the file name.

Did you find that this was not the case?

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