I'm sorry in advance if this is a stupid or nonsense question, but:

Can a non-constant static class variable for one class be used by another class without using friend or base/derived classes? The (abbreviated) situation is:

class Decl {
          static string searchVal;
          ... (other irrelevant stuff)

class Conj {
        static string searchVal;
        ... (other irrelevant stuff)

I don't want to repeat searchVal in both classes, and because of the rest of the program, I'm not keen on using friend (but I will if it's the only option).

  • You can access the static member anywhere using Decl::searchVal
    – pat
    Nov 13, 2016 at 1:54

1 Answer 1


Since your static members are public, if your class definitions are both visible, then their static members can be accessed using Decl::searchVal or Conj::searchVal respectively.

For example

class Decl 
     public: static string searchVal;

class Conj
        static string searchVal;

// within ANY function, including members of either class above
//    ... as long as both definitions above are visible to the compiler

 if (Conj::searchVal == Decl::searchVal)
       // do something

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