Basically in the treeview, I have a list of items, if the item is of type "Group", then I can add / drag drop items into it.

How can I achieve that in code? I tried DragEnter, DragOver events and setting the allowdrop property to false if the target item is not a group object but to no avail. Any advice please?


1 Answer 1


You'll want to set the Effects to None (or turn off Copy/Link/Move more specifically).

A good example of doing this programmatically is within TreeViewDragDropTarget itself, as it contains logic to similarly disable if you're trying to drag an item under itself.


The relevant snippet:

        if (itemsControl == null || IsTreeViewItemDraggedInDescendent(args) || IsTreeViewItemDraggedDirectlyAboveOrBelowSelf(args))
            SW.DragDropEffects effects = args.AllowedEffects & (~(SW.DragDropEffects.Copy | SW.DragDropEffects.Link | SW.DragDropEffects.Move));
            args.Effects = effects;
            if (args.Effects != args.AllowedEffects)
                args.Handled = true;

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