In one form I am creating a territory and editing multiple users. The "user_attributes" below are for the users and the "name" is for the territory. So for each user_attribute I wanted to update the user model.


{ "territory"=>{"name"=>"Central Canada",

create action

@territory = @current_account.territories.new[:territory]
params[:user_attributes].each do |item|
  @user = User.find(item[:user_id])
  @user.update_attribute(:territory_id, @territory.id)

But rails is kicking back that params[:user_attributes] is nil. But you can see from the params its not. Am I missing something??

2 Answers 2


From what you posted, your user_attributes hash is INSIDE your territory hash. That should be your problem -- either move it outside, or do params[:territory][:user_attributes]

  • That was it, it worked. I had originally tried that but it didn't work. It turned out that the @user.update_attribute line wasn't working because @territory wasn't saved yet so it wasn't assigned an ID yet.
    – kush
    Jan 6, 2009 at 19:17

Try params["user_attributes"].

  • Nope sorry, didn't change anything.
    – kush
    Jan 5, 2009 at 22:54

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