Filebeat will not start on my CentOS 7 box. I have Logstash running fine, Kibana can be accessed, and I even installed packetbeat to see if it was something wrong with the beats, but Packetbeat works fine.

Here is what is happening when I try to start filebeat:

System status failure

Here are the filebeat logs:

Filebeat Logs

My Filebeat config passes the '-configtest' option, so it can't be that. The only output that I get from the debugging option is this:

Exiting: Could not start registrar: Error loading state: Error decoding states: EOF

I have also tried these two commands to no avail:

systemctl reset-failed filebeat.service
systemctl start filebeat.service

Anyone have any other commands to try to try and get this to work?

  • Please don't post images of code or error messages. Instead copy and paste or type the actual code/message into the post directly.
    – A J
    Feb 9, 2017 at 6:00

1 Answer 1


You need to delete the registry file, this is a known issue appartently. Forum post with an answer from the ELK guys

rm -r /var/lib/filebeat/registry
systemctl reset-failed filebeat
systemctl start filebeat
  • Good observation :)
    – Sam
    Jan 24, 2020 at 9:07

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