I have a complex regex I want to apply. Here is my pattern:


How can I declare this as a String and make sure everything is escaped?

  • 1
    Step one: Simplify you pattern by getting rid on unnecessary backslashes and groups: /(?:^|[\s.(+,-])\$?\$((?:[0-9]+(?=[a-z])|(?![0-9.:_-]))(?:[a-z0-9]|[.:_-](?![.:_-]))*[a-z0-9]+)/i
    – Gumbo
    Nov 22, 2010 at 18:06
  • Do you have any issues with Pattern.quote()?
    – bcosca
    Nov 22, 2010 at 18:10
  • @Gumbo: Who says it is unnecessary? If he has to replace one of the groups, he really need groups. Nov 22, 2010 at 19:14
  • 1
    @Martijn Courteaux: (?:\$?) is unnecessary.
    – Gumbo
    Nov 22, 2010 at 20:23

3 Answers 3


It looks to me as if there's a lot of unnecessary stuff in that regex

  1. Something like (?:\$?) is the same as just \$?
  2. There's no need to "protect" the ".", "_", ",", or "+" characters in a square-bracket group

So what you really could have is:


As for putting it in a string, all you really have to worry about here are the backslashes. Those need to be doubled ("\"). The outer "/" characters would be dropped, and the trailing "i" modifier would be passed into the Pattern.compile() method.


As long as a somewhat static solution will suffice, and if you are using Eclipse IDE you can choose to have String escaped correctly when pasting from clipboard.

Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Typing -> [x] Escape text when pasting...


If you're trying to test that pattern, I suggest you look into using a regex tool like gskinner. It lets you put in a pattern, a string, and highlights the matches.

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