I downloaded the BlackBerry advanced UI package, but when I try to build it I get the following errors:

Errors running builder 'BlackBerry Pre-Process Builder' on project 'Advanced UI'.
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVM cannot be cast to net.rim.ejde.A.J.M

I'm using:
- Eclipse 3.5
- Blackberry SDK - Windows 7

Any idea on what could be the issue?

4 Answers 4


You probably have the wrong JRE set in your project properties. You need to set it to the BlackBerry JRE 5 or 6.

Project Properties->Java Build Path-> Libraries Tab -> Double Click JRE System Library

Select proper JRE.



Some classes from that package use preprocessor directives.

It turns out preprocessor directives are not supported by earlier versions of the Eclipse plugin, but version and later are configured correctly by default. Earlier Eclipse plugin versions can be enable preprocessing by editing the config files manually.

RIM also explains how to manually edit the config file to enable preprocessing.

  • 2
    I edited the answer to clarify that these links are for older plugins. The linked SO question is over a year old, for example. You shouldn't need to do this if you downloaded your Eclipse plugin recently. Nov 25, 2010 at 3:24

Something wrong with your developing environment. Based on your error message, I think it's about your builder. Configure it in your project preferences.


this was fixing it in my case.. add it to config.ini


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