If I have a List<MyType> as so, with each line representing an item in the collection:

{{ Id = 1, Year = 2010 },
{ Id = 1, Year = 2009 },
{ Id = 1, Year = 2008 },
{ Id = 2, Year = 2010 },
{ Id = 2, Year = 2009 },
{ Id = 2, Year = 2008 }}

I wish to retrieve a collection from this collection of the most recent item for each Id. What will the Linq for this look like?

Desired output:

{{ Id = 1, Year = 2010 },
{ Id = 2, Year = 2010 }}

I have a naiive implementation using a second list variable and a foreach loop, but it's inefficient.

//naiive implementation "p-code"
var mostRecentItems = new List<MyType>();    
var ids = collection.Select(i => i.Id).Distinct();
foreach(var id in ids)
  mostRecentItems.Add(collection.Where(i => i.Id == id).OrderByDescending().First);

return mostRecentItems;

3 Answers 3


Most simply:

var mostRecentById = from item in list
                     group item by item.Id into g
                     select g.OrderByDescending(x => x.Year).First();
  • Thanks. TBH, I haven't got my head quite around GroupBy. If anyone knows of a simple explanation online please post.
    – Ben Aston
    Nov 24, 2010 at 19:18
  • @Ben: This groups together everything with the same ID, then sorts each group by year, then takes the first value - i.e. the one with the highest year.
    – Jon Skeet
    Nov 24, 2010 at 19:30
  • @Jon - is the "group" conceptually analogous to a temporary table? Clarification: does the grouping result in a sequence of subsequences matching the "by" upon which a subquery can be executed?
    – Ben Aston
    Nov 24, 2010 at 19:40
  • @Ben: Yes - each group has a Key property (the Id in this case) but is also a subsequence.
    – Jon Skeet
    Nov 24, 2010 at 20:31

Group by id, then select the first item in each group ordered in a descending fashion.

 var mostRecentItems = collection.GroupBy( c => c.Id )
                                 .Select( g => g.OrderByDescending( i => i.Year ).First() );

or more simply still:

var result = list
                .GroupBy(i => i.Id)
                .Select(g => new {Id = g.Key, Year = g.Max(y => y.Year)});

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