I ran into this problem in some real-life C++11 code, but I boiled it down to this:

template<int i> struct Dummy {};

template<typename T>
struct Foo {
  template<int i> static constexpr int bar() { return i; }

  template<int i>
  static auto working() -> Dummy<bar<i>()>;

  template<int i>
  static auto also_working() -> Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()>;

  template<int i>
  static Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> not_working();

template<typename T> template<int i>
auto Foo<T>::working() -> Dummy<bar<i>()> {
  return Dummy<bar<i>()>{};

template<typename T> template<int i>
auto Foo<T>::also_working() -> Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> {
  return Dummy<bar<i>()>{};

template<typename T> template<int i>
Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working() {
  return Dummy<bar<i>()>{};

I was trying to create an out-of-line definition of a template member function of a template class, where the signature of the function involved calling another template member function and started out with something like the not_working() function. The problem was that the definition failed to match the declaration.

Clang said:

clang++ -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-padded -std=c++11   -c -o out_of_line.o out_of_line.cc
out_of_line.cc:28:42: error: out-of-line definition of 'not_working' does not match any declaration in 'Foo<T>'
Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working() {

GCC said:

g++ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c++11   -c -o out_of_line.o out_of_line.cc
out_of_line.cc:28:34: error: prototype for ‘Dummy<bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working()’ does not match any in class ‘Foo<T>’
 Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working() {
out_of_line.cc:14:43: error: candidate is: template<class T> template<int i> static Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working()
   static Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> not_working();

By trial and error I discovered that using a trailing return type I could get the definition to match the declaration, yielding the also_working() function. Once there I realized that due to the change of scope in the trailing return type I could do away with some name qualification, yielding the much prettier working() function.

Now I wonder why the not_working() function is not working, i.e. why its definition does not match its declaration (I could just settle in ignorance with the solution I found, but I'm likely to encounter more of this kind of issues and I don't want to waste more time using trial and error); does the bug lie within the compilers or within my code. I've read through 14.6 Name resolution [temp.res] but I'm not sure what rules are applicable for this case.

Clarification of the question: Given the rules in the C++11 standard:

  1. should the not_working() definition match the declaration?
  2. which rules are involved in determining 1.?
  3. how do the rules from 2. interact when determining 1.?
  • Strange but true... The same code using C++14 variable templates compiles fine with g++, but still doesn't compile with clang++. Looks like a compiler bug for me. Mar 14, 2017 at 19:36
  • While not addressing this particular issue, this core language issue contains an answer suggesting that the intention is to let out-of-line definitions match declarations with textually matching signatures.
    – psyill
    Mar 15, 2017 at 9:40
  • One of those places where auto helps with types you can't write. gcc and clang are both happy with auto Foo<T>::working(); as far as I can tell, and will deduce the return type when they need it.
    – TBBle
    May 10, 2017 at 17:03

1 Answer 1


It looks like it's trying to implement CWG2 but is possibly doing things in a surprising order. Looking at gcc's errors:

prog.cc:28:34: error: prototype for 'Dummy<bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working()' does not match any in class 'Foo<T>'
 Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working() {
prog.cc:14:43: error: candidate is: template<class T> template<int i> static Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working()
   static Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> not_working();

The definition is seen with the return type Dummy<bar<i>()> but the candidate declaration has return type Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<i>()>. Specifically, the Foo<T>:: qualification on bar<i> has been lost.

Changing the definition of also_working to have return type Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<2>()>, we get useful parallel errors:

prog.cc:23:6: error: prototype for 'Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<2>()> Foo<T>::also_working()' does not match any in class 'Foo<T>'
 auto Foo<T>::also_working() -> Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<2>()> {
prog.cc:11:15: error: candidate is: template<class T> template<int i> static Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<i>()> Foo<T>::also_working()
   static auto also_working() -> Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()>;

Here the definition is seen with the return type Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<2>()> (as written), and the candidate declaration has return type Dummy<Foo<T>::bar<i>()>.

Clearly, Foo<T>::bar<i> is different from bar<i> even in the context of Foo<T>, since removing Foo<T>::template out of either the declaration or definition of the return type of also_working makes it stop working. (Taking both out gets you back working.)

I tried changing the declaration of not_working to be:

  template<int i>
  static Dummy<bar<i>()> not_working();

and now gcc complains:

prog.cc:28:34: error: prototype for 'Dummy<bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working()' does not match any in class 'Foo<T>'
 Dummy<Foo<T>::template bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working() {
prog.cc:14:26: error: candidate is: template<class T> template<int i> static Dummy<bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working()
   static Dummy<bar<i>()> not_working();

Which is pretty clearly nonsensical, since we have character-for-character-comparable declaration and definition Dummy<bar<i>()> Foo<T>::not_working(), once the compiler's done with it.

  • Thanks for taking a bout with GCC, but IMHO the fact that a particular compiler is failing at matching the definition with the declaration does not answer the question. I was looking for the particular rules involved, telling me if the definition should match the declaration according to the standard regardless of the compiler used. Re-reading my question I see that it's apparently too vague: I'll update it to be more specific. Sorry if my vagueness misled you.
    – psyill
    May 15, 2017 at 19:38
  • Well, you already have that answer in the comments, that the ordering is currently vague in the specification, and CWG issue 2 is intended to fix that, but has not yet been worded and submitted. What I was trying to answer is why it doesn't work. It happens that gcc gives us clues to what it's trying to match, while clang is just saying "Didn't match".
    – TBBle
    May 16, 2017 at 10:24

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