As the title says I have two algorithm for bubble sorting but the one I wrote is not working in all cases.

This is the code that works in every case

procedure Sort( t: in out Item_array) is
   Finished : Boolean;
   tmp: Item;
  Finished := True;
  for J in t'First..Index'Pred(t'Last) loop
     if t(J) < t(Index'Succ(J)) then
        Finished := False;
        tmp := t(Index'Succ(J));
        t(Index'Succ(J)) := t(J);
        t(J) := tmp;
     end if;
  end loop;
exit when Finished;
end loop;
end Sort;

And here is my code which is not working with the following array (2,4,3,2,2,5). I assume It is because of multiple '2's.

procedure Sort( t: in out Item_array) is
   I : Index := t'Last;
   CS: Index := t'First;
   tmp: Item;
   while I >= Index'Succ(t'First) loop
      for J in t'First..Index'Pred(I) loop
         if t(J) < t(Index'Succ(J)) then
            tmp := t(Index'Succ(J));
            t(Index'Succ(J)) := t(j);
            t(j) := tmp;
            CS := J;
         end if;
      end loop;
      I := CS;
   end loop;
end Sort;

In both cases the "<" operator is a function template parameter, not a regular "less" or "more" operator. And this is how I call the function.

function Asc(A,B : in Integer) return Boolean is (A > B); // Sorting function

procedure Sort_Asc is new Sort(Item=>Integer, 

x : Int_Array := (2,4,3,2,2,5);

If I use the second algorithm, It'll stuck in an infinite loop. //Please don't mind my english.

  • 1
    Is it possible that the infinite loop is due to the CS variable not changing once the array is sorted, and therefore I never changes? You might consider changing that line I := CS to I := Succ(I). Or should that be Pred(I)? Whichever way you're going. (It's been too many years since I even looked at Ada.) Mar 23, 2017 at 20:51
  • @JimMischel You might be right! But I declared as CS : Index := t'First ,so if the array is all sorted I must be t'First therefore the while loop should broke.
    – Bako
    Mar 23, 2017 at 20:57
  • 1
    Can you think of a better name for CS? One which explains what it means, what it’s for. And I, come to that. Mar 23, 2017 at 23:07
  • Seems like it'd be trivial to give my suggestion a try. If it works, then you know that the problem is with the way you're modifying I in that loop. I think you're trying to use that CS variable to do some kind of optimization, although as @SimonWright points out, it's rather difficult to say for sure. Mar 23, 2017 at 23:42
  • And, by the way, if I is equal to t'First, then it looks like your loop won't break because your condition is >=, not >. But then, I could be misunderstanding the Ada syntax. Mar 23, 2017 at 23:44


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