I have a bunch of movie clips on a layer named s1, s2, s3, .. s16.

I need to add them to an array so that I can select a random number to play.

Something like:

var sparkle:Array   =   new Array();
var i:int = new int;
    sparkle[i] = 's'+i;

2 Answers 2


If you know the total number of MovieClips, you don't need to store them in an Array.

Get your random number first

var random:int = Math.round( Math.random() * totalNumber );

Then you can use a function to return the MC you want

private function getMovieClip(value:int ):MovieClip
    var mc:MovieClip;

    for( var i:int ; i < totalNumber ; ++i )
         if( this.getChildAt(i).name == "s"+ random.toString() )
             mc = this.getChildAt( i ) as MovieClip;

    return mc;

Try this:

var sparkle:Array = [];

var n:int = 16;//numberOfClips;

for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) {

var tempClip:MovieClip = MovieClip(getChildByName("s"+i) );

sparkle[i] = tempClip;


You can then loop through your array to reference the clips

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