Is it possible to create a Mixed Array in both C++ and C#

I mean an array that contains both chars and ints?


Array [][] = {{'a',1},{'b',2},{'c',3}};
  • 1
    A char is an integer type in C++ Dec 8, 2010 at 23:32

4 Answers 4


Neither C# nor C++ support creating this kind of data structure using native arrays, however you could create a List<Tuple<char,int>> in C# or a std::vector<std::pair<char,int>> in C++.

You could also consider using the Dictionary<> or std::map<> collections if one of the elements can be considered a unique key, and the order of the elements is unimportant but only their association.

For the case of lists (rather than dictionaries), in C# you would write:

List<Tuple<char,int>> items = new List<Tuple<char,int>>();

items.Add( new Tuple<char,int>('a', 1) );
items.Add( new Tuple<char,int>('b', 2) );
items.Add( new Tuple<char,int>('c', 3) );

and in C++ you would write:

std::vector<std::pair<char,int>> items;  // you could typedef std::pair<char,int>
items.push_back( std::pair<char,int>( 'a', 1 ) );
items.push_back( std::pair<char,int>( 'b', 2 ) );
items.push_back( std::pair<char,int>( 'c', 3 ) );
  • instead of std::pair<char,int>( 'a', 1 ) you could just use std::make_pair('a', 1), which the stdlib provides for your convenience :)
    – etarion
    Dec 8, 2010 at 23:19
  • Why couldn't he make an array of pairs/tuples? Is there some reason I'm not seeing why his only option is to switch to List/vector?
    – jalf
    Dec 8, 2010 at 23:39
  • @jalf STL-driven containers are likely to be less error-prone that generic arrays. Dec 9, 2010 at 22:14
  • True. I'm just pointing out that the "minimal" solution to the OP's problem would be to use tuple/pair. Changing the container type is irrelevant to the question, whether or not it is safer. I just think that if an answer changes the premise, it should have a good reason to do so, and explain it clearly.
    – jalf
    Dec 10, 2010 at 3:40

In C++ you would have to use something like std::vector<boost::tuple< , , > or std::vector<std::pair> if you only have two elements in each tuple.

Example for the C++ case:

typedef std::pair<int, char> Pair;

std::vector<Pair> pairs;

pairs.push_back(Pair(0, 'c'));
pairs.push_back(Pair(1, 'a'));
pairs.push_back(Pair(42, 'b'));

Extended example for the C++ case (using boost::assign).

using boost::assign;

std::vector<Pair> pairs;

pairs += Pair(0, 'c'), Pair(1, 'a'), Pair(42, 'b');

For C# you may want to see this.

  • can you give an example on how to achieve this?
    – sikas
    Dec 8, 2010 at 22:34
  • std::vector<std::pair> preferred
    – Svisstack
    Dec 8, 2010 at 22:34

In C# and C++ it's not possible to create an array of mixed types. You should use other classes like std::vector in C++ or Dictionary <char, int> in C#.


A classic array (the one with the brackets) can only have one type, which is part of its declaration (like int[] nums). There is no Array[].

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