In the program below, there are two things that I don't understand.

  1. How can I use this makefile in Microsoft VC?

  2. Why there is a '?' before '='?


ifeq ($(TARGET_COMPILER),ms)    

   include ../makefile.ms.config

    DBG?= /Zi

    OPT= /Ox


    EEXT = $(EXT).dll

    ifeq ($(GZSTREAM),1)

      MYLIBS = src/gzstream/lib/zlib.lib


1 Answer 1

  1. There is a makefile project type in Visual Studio. Otherwise it is most likely the makefile is intended to be run by nmake.

  2. The syntax '?=' means assign value if the variable is undefined. In other words, if DBG has not been set, it will set it to /Zi, otherwise if DBG current has the value /Z0, it will keep it's current value of /Z0.

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