I tend to use the image solution described by 24Ways to use ajax and scripts.

However, The ajax results are out of my control and I need a regexp to escape the quotes (' and ") since the scripts will house in an onload attribute.

This is my work so far:

clean_txt = clean_txt.replace(
    "<img src='1px.gif?d=$1' alt='' onload='new Function(\"$1\")();' />"

Does anyone have the final regexp, e g to escape the quotes in $1?


2 Answers 2


Parsing html with regex will destroy your soul.

I'd really suggest using something simpler like:

clean_txt.replace("'","\\'").replace('"', '\\"');

Of course, this will replace every ' with \' and " with \". If you don't want that, read more about XML parsing in Javascript.

  • Unfortunately, the results I'm getting are not reliable enough to be evaluated as XML. But thanks anyway.
    – madr
    Dec 13, 2010 at 14:15
  • This will not replace every quote. It will only replace the first of each quote type. 'aaa'.replace('a', 'b') === 'baa'. You need to use regexp replace : 'aaa'.replace(/a/g, 'b') === 'bbb', and probably replace them with HTML entities instead of back-slash escape. Dec 13, 2010 at 14:59

Turns out it could be solved by escaping the wrapper quotes on the onload function.

clean_txt = clean_txt.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\n\s\S]+?)<\/script>/img, 
            "<img src='1px.gif?d=$1' alt='' onload=\'$1\;\' />");

A bit ugly and weird, but I can live with that. By doing this, browsers seems to walk around the problem theirselves.

I have tested in Opera 10.6, Firefox 3.6, Safari 5 and Chrome 7.

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