We are using SOAPClient 3.0 for accessing web service.

As SOAPClient is deprecated on .Net Framework as per below URL, we would like to move to .Net web services.


When I try to add a web reference using the same URL that I used to connect for SOAP, I am getting following error.

"Please enable REST support in WEB-INF/conf/axis2.xml and WEB-INF/web.xml"

Can you please advise on how to proceed.

Regards, Mugil

2 Answers 2


What is the URL you are using for "Add Web Reference" ? I suspect it is the wrong one.

Try appending ?wsdl to whatever URL you originally tried.


I had a similar issue recently with a third-party webservice. As Cheeso suggested, I appended ?wsdl to the end and it came up fine.

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