Hi i want add image icon for my CommandBarPopup button at standard commandbar like Send & Receive Button.

Popup is working, i have Buttons with icons there but I need top icon in popup (next to small dropdown icon)

Code for creating popup:

            moznosti = (Office.CommandBarPopup)standardToolbar.Controls.Add(

// adding buttons to popup is ok:

            nastaveni = (Office.CommandBarButton)moznosti.Controls.Add(1,missing, missing, missing, true);
            nastaveni.Caption = "Na&stavení...";
            global.SetImage(nastaveni, Properties.Resources.settings);
            nastaveni.Style = Office.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonIconAndCaption;
            nastaveni.Click += new Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(ButtonSettingsClick);

... etc...

but i need something like this:

moznosti.Picture = ... but there is no Picture variable (like in CommandBarButton object)

2 Answers 2


It's probably not possible to add an icon to a CommandBarPopup. At least not with VBA. (I'd be surprised if vsto exposed any more of the commandbar model than VBA does.) I don't have Outlook installed on my machine at the moment, so I can't check that implementation of VBA but I'm nearly certain that the commandbar model is the same throughout all office applications. Adding an icon to a popup definitely doesn't seem possible with Excel. (Just tried.)

If you're on Outlook 2007, why don't you just tweek the ribbon instead? A combobox or dropdown might do what you're after.



Yes, Nick is right. This is not possible. CommandBarPopup is a container control. You can add icon for sub items. Some information you can find also here


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